Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Afghan government frozen out of Moscow peace talks with the Taliban

- sayed salahuddin ( c) 2019, BY the Washington Post ·FEB 04, 2019 -

KABUL - Taliban representa­tives and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s political rivals plan to discuss the future of Afghanista­n Tuesday in Moscow, a move seen by some as a further blow to the authority of the country’s current administra­tion.

The two-day meeting brings key Afghan power brokers together with the insurgents to discuss ending the war that began with the ouster of the Taliban from power in late 2001 and follows up on an earlier such meeting in Moscow in November.

The Moscow talks follow a series of direct negotiatio­ns between Taliban members and U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad amid a renewed push by President Trump to withdraw troops from Afghanista­n.

Officials of Ghani’s government were excluded from all of those meetings because of the Taliban’s objection to direct talks with an administra­tion it regards as a U.S. puppet. According to two Afghan dailies, Kabul’s absence from the Moscow gathering further “isolates Ghani” and “sabotages the authority of the government.”

Among Afghans invited to the gathering are former President Hamid Karzai; Haneef Atmar, national security adviser to Ghani until late last summer and his key rival in July’s presidenti­al election; and a number of factional leaders such as Ismail Khan, Mohammed Mohaqeq and Atta Mohammad Noor.

The Afghan government has described the meeting as “not in the interest of Afghanista­n and the efforts for peace process,” and it accused Moscow of failing to fulfill its past pledge to facilitate direct talks between its officials and Taliban members.

The Russian Embassy in Kabul said the gathering was an intra-afghan dialogue to discuss ways of ending the war. The meeting, to be held in a Moscow hotel, was organized by Afghan refugees living in Russia, it said.

Like the Taliban, Moscow has been insisting on a pullout of U.s.-led troops from Afghanista­n.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov embarked on a tour of Central Asian countries this week, coinciding with the Moscow talks.

Beginning Sunday, Lavrov will visit the former Soviet republics of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenist­an, meeting the leadership of each country and navigating the security landscape in light of Trump’s stated intention to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanista­n.

Moscow is considerin­g establishi­ng a second military base in Kyrgyzstan and wishes to bolster security along the southern flanks of Tajikistan and Turkmenist­an, which share a border with Afghanista­n.

Ahead of his journey, Karzai, the former Afghan president who has forged closer ties with Moscow in recent years, said he will carry to the Taliban a message of peace, unity and sovereignt­y and will emphasize that all Afghan men and women need to progress. Atmar, a former communist, said in a statement that the Afghan nonstate actors will try to make future such meetings more inclusive and involve the government as well.

The Taliban’s longtime negotiator, Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, who has taken part in all rounds of discussion­s between the insurgents and Khalilzad among other U.S. diplomats in recent months, will lead the Taliban delegation in Moscow. The U.S.-Taliban talks have revolved around a pullout of foreign troops in return for a guarantee from the insurgents that Afghan soil will not be used against U.S. interests by militant groups such as al-qaeda and affiliates of the Islamic State.

Members of Ghani’s administra­tion have spoken about their frustratio­n and anger over behind-the-scenes discussion­s between the Taliban and Khalilzad.

Ghani wants the peace process to be led and owned by his government. His opponents say the incumbent has alienated much of the country’s political elite, including some of those who helped bring him to power.

They argue that Ghani seeks to spoil this rare opening for peace and that his resistance derives from a fear that if talks progress, he could lose his chance for five more years in power.

Khalilzad has said that one of his main goals is to facilitate direct talks between Ghani and the Taliban. For now, the Taliban is hesitant to sit at the same table with Afghan government officials because the insurgents view such face-to-face talks as giving Ghani concession­s ahead of the presidenti­al election this summer.

 ?? ?? Taliban representa­tives and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s political rivals plan to discuss the future of Afghanista­n Tuesday in Moscow (Washington Post)
Taliban representa­tives and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s political rivals plan to discuss the future of Afghanista­n Tuesday in Moscow (Washington Post)

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