Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Why do Babies cry?


I wish it was possible but your simply cannot ask a baby why he or she is crying? So the trick is to hone in on our parenting skills and have a plan of action.

How to deal with crying babies in the first six months

1. Hunger: Newborns cry because they are hungry. This should always be our first plan of action when dealing with a crying baby. 2. Discomfort with clothes,

bedding: Not being able to say whether the room is too hot or cold or whether they want the duvet on or off is not possible. So babies will do what they know best to do and that is cry!!. If they are not hungry, then see if any clothing is irritating them and so forth.

3. Diaper troubles: Discomfort could also appear in the form of a dirty diaper. Easy enough problem to solve.

4. A bit of gas: Sometimes babies are just not burped properly and a few minutes of the right actions taken can sought out any gassy baby.

5. A little bit of love: Babies will crave the warmth of your womb and they cry because all they need is a little cuddle and some reassuranc­e of your presence.

How to deal with babies six months and after

Now that your baby is older you are able to gauge the initial reasons why they might be prompted to cry...but with age comes newer problems and here are a few to keep in mind:

1. Communicat­ion: Crying in any form is their way of communicat­ion. At this point, you will be able to asses the sound of a real cry to your baby’s false, just because they felt like it crying!

2. Separation anxiety: Now that your baby is in their six month and older phase they are able to recognise faces. This is when separation anxiety will set in. It will take them time to get used to new nannies or baby sitters, they will search for your constant reassuranc­e.

3. Over stimulated: Babies at this stage are indeed adorable. They are able to sit up, crawl and even toddle in some cases. You will also be tempted to play with them at all times, but make sure that you steer clear of the nap and bedtimes. Over stimulatio­n on a grumpy baby can break their patterns of sleep, making grumpy and irritable. Yes the “crying” is difficult but it can be tackled with right actions. Despite the shrieking and wailing, happy and contented babies do give out the best baby giggles and those are worth every sleepless night!!!

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