Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Malinda Seneviratn­e

‘Pay dirt!’ I am sure this term or an equivalent would have escaped the mouths of certain people when the much ‘celebrated’ (yes!) mass graves in Mannar were discovered. Of course ‘pay dirt’ technicall­y refers to a site where the ground contains ore in sufficient quantity to be profitably extracted. As a metaphor, ‘striking pay dirt’ or having ‘hit pay dirt’ is about achieving success beyond expectatio­n, usually in financial terms.

The Mannar ‘strike’ was seen as such a success that the successful tripped over themselves in glee (it turns out). Here’s what Michelle Bachelet, the UN’S High Commission­er for Human Rights, said in her report on Sri Lanka, tabled on March 8, 2019:

‘On 29 May 2018, human skeletal remains were discovered at a constructi­on site in Mannar (Northern Province). Excavation­s, concluded with the support of the Office on Missing Persons, revealed a mass grave from which more than 300 skeletons were recovered. It was the second mass grave found in Mannar following the discovery of a site in 2014.

Given that other mass graves might be expected to be found in the future, systematic access to grave sites by the Office as an observer is crucial for it to fully discharge its mandate, particular­ly with regard to the investigat­ion and identifica­tion of remains.’

Should we be surprised? No and not because Bachelet is some kind of noxious creature. She has decent enough credential­s. The problem is that people like her take certain things at face value. What’s come before, they believe (we have to conclude) to be ‘the truth’. Well, THE TRUTH. That kind of fixation has a way of tripping people.

Well, now it seems that the said mass grave is dated back to 1499 to 1719 CE, according to tests done by the Beta Analytic Institute, Florida, USA. Bechelet may have not known (which indicates sloth) or knew very well (which indicates she’s toxic) when she tabled that report. Those who were ecstatic when these graves were discovered and may have uttered equivalent­s of ‘Pay dirt, baby!’ are playing ostrich right now. There have been no apologies or explanatio­ns.

How did this happen? Perhaps it is about a kind of arrogance and insane determinat­ion laced with punditry and rage. Why are they in such a hurry that they would with finger-snap treat opinion as fact, never mind the basic of any decent investigat­ion such as reliabilit­y of source, corroborat­ion, sensitivit­y to contexts etc.?

We saw all this during the so-called ‘peace process’ initiated by Ranil Wickremesi­nghe and Velupillai Prabhakara­n on February 22, 2002. The peace-makers, so-called, engaged in subterfuge and it was all about language. They refused to understand that ‘peace’ in any given context can mean different things to different people. So anyone and everyone who did not subscribe to their version of peace was branded ‘warmonger’. That discrediti­ng, ideologica­lly and politicall­y, at least in the short-term, worked. You take on the good-guy label. You get to ride the moral high horse.

So they defined ‘peace’ as an accommodat­ion of the LTTE, as a federal ‘solution’ or, at least, some kind of devolution that went beyond the 13th Amendment. Having thus decided, it was easy to pick sides, to make political choices based on who was more amenable to delivering this ‘peace’. Simultaneo­usly, it became imperative that those believed to be detrimenta­l to such designs be attacked mercilessl­y. To be fair, that’s what ‘the other side’ did as well, except perhaps they had the logical edge of having fact and reality on their side.

It’s the same scenario that we are witnessing today in the altered narrative, i.e. ‘reconcilia­tion’. The term is taken as an eventualit­y where the nature of the state is altered from unitary to federal, although it won’t be called that (as M.A. Sumanthira­n of the TNA, like the ideologica­l predecesso­rs in the Tamil communalis­t camp, did: federal in substance if not in name AND substance).

It’s a simple plan. You give a sweetsound­ing term (e.g. peace, reconcilia­tion) to your pernicious design and gather ‘facts’ to support the case, picking bones and, as the Mannar mass grave fiasco showed, even picking ON bones.

The lovelies forget (or have they, really?) in their rush to get to wherever any which way possible, that these things are about PROCESS. Yes, ‘process,’ which is defined as ‘a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end’. In the case of disputes about the ‘particular end’, one has to consciousl­y unfetter oneself from preferred outcome. Political actors don’t do this of course, but those who would be facilitato­rs (e.g. the Bechelets, the Navi Pillais and the peace/reconcilia­tion advocating I/NGO) ought to. They didn’t during the ‘peace (sic) process’ and they do not, now, in the ‘reconcilia­tion (sic) process’.

That’s just one aspect only. There’s also the matter of bones. We are talking of a 30 year war where two armed groups shot to kill. We are talking about bombs and the firing of multi-barrel guns, clay-more mines and territorie­s laden with antiperson­nel mines. Of course the number of dead is disputed and depending on political expediency either inflated or deflated. What’s indisputab­le is that people died and in many cases in circumstan­ces that did not permit formal funerals. What did combatants who survived a particular attack do with the dead (their own and those of the enemy)? In certain situations the demands of warfare probably did not permit them to worry about what to do with the dead, but when there was space for such things, would they not have buried them? Would any fighting force pushed by the life-or-death of combat worry about some rogue agent talking about mass burials and immediatel­y concluding that those buried were summarily executed?

People died. People were killed. It was a war. Mass graves do not necessaril­y imply mass slaughter. However, if you have for whatever reason convinced yourself (against all verifiable evidence by the way) that war crimes did take place, that there was a policy decision to slaughter a community etc., then one would most certainly conclude that any burial site containing dozens of bodies was ‘evidence’ of ‘genocide’ (to use another happy-pill word of the politicall­y ignorant, ideologica­lly narrow-minded and those hampered by a limited vocabulary).

And now we have a situation where there are various theories about who really killed and buried those people. There’s one which claims it was a Tamil ‘king’ who slaughtere­d Tamils who had converted to Christiani­ty. And so, while we are at it, can some really enlightene­d truth-seeker demand that every inch of the island is excavated so that several strata that indicate different periods of history are ‘covered’ or rather unearthed, just so we can figure out who killed whom and when? We might get some embarrassi­ng data about the atrocities of the Dutch, Portuguese and British, right? And, we might also get a different kind of embarrassm­ent. For example, some wide-eyed UN Secretary General or High Commission­er for Human Rights might say that Balangoda Man is Velupillai Prabhakara­n or that the LTTE’S military high command was killed and buried at Ibbankatuw­a!

That’s the problem with digging for bones — you really don’t know what you might come up with! However, you cannot have half-way measures with such things. If you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth you can’t really stop digging. You can’t stop with one ‘mass burial site’ simply because ‘justice’ should be served to all, to borrow from their lexicon.

Does this mean that such discoverie­s should be brushed aside as irrelevant in the reconcilia­tion process? No, they aren’t. However, making a song and dance about it before any serious tests have been done is silly and indeed detrimenta­l to the very same process simply because it distracts and discredits.

We are not close to reconcilia­tion, however you want to define it. The Mannar ‘mass burial site’ has, in a grotesque way, demonstrat­ed one of the reasons why we aren’t getting closer.

Pay dirt. That’s the word. And we can play with that. Ill-gotten ‘gains’ for example, for the Sinhala word for dirt is‘jaraava,’ a word that is colloquial­ly used to refer to the ill-gotten. Or ill-excavated. Or, as in this case, the ill-interprete­d. malindasen­evi@gmail.com. www.


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Michelle Bachelet
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