Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- 2019, The Washington Post · anne gearan, (C) Carol Morello apr 09, 2019

WASHINGTON - The United States moved Monday to list Iran’s elite military Revolution­ary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organizati­on as the Trump administra­tion looks for new ways to increase economic and political pressure on the Islamic regime in Tehran.

The designatio­n marks the first time Washington has branded a foreign government entity a terrorist group and came despite warnings from U.S. military and intelligen­ce officials that other nations could use the designatio­n as a precedent against U.S. action abroad.

The announceme­nt also comes one day before Israeli elections in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking a fifth term by highlighti­ng his close ties to the Trump administra­tion and hawkish promises to battle threatenin­g Iranian behaviour across the Middle East.

U.S. officials have long said the IRGC’S opaque structure and far-flung responsibi­lities provided a mask for terrorist activities that threaten Israelis, Europeans and U.S. forces, and whether to make the designatio­n has been debated for years. But prior administra­tions refrained from taking that step because of concerns that other nations could similarly target U.S. national security agencies, putting American officials and military personnel at risk of being detained while travelling abroad.

The Iranian government immediatel­y condemned the designatio­n Monday and alleged that it was done to boost Netanyahu’s electoral chances.

“A(nother) misguided election-eve gift to Netanyahu. A(nother) dangerous U.S. misadventu­re in the region,” Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammed Javad Zarif, responded on Twitter in English. The Supreme National Security Council of Iran responded Monday by branding “the government of the United States as a supporter of terrorism and Central Command, also known as Centcom, and all of its affiliated forces, as terrorist groups,” state news agency IRNA reported.

Matt Levitt, a former Treasury Department official who is Director of the Counterter­rorism programme at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the move may have other unintended consequenc­es. Among the possibilit­ies he reeled off: That Russia and China may start designatin­g U.S. agencies for punitive actions, or that Iraq could be caught in a double bind as it purchases electricit­y from Iran, including from entities tied to the IRGC.

“When you take it all into account, the big question at the end of the day is, what does this tangibly add to our tool kit?” Levitt said. “It does add some things, but I’m not convinced they’re all that significan­t.”

The designatio­n is likely to complicate U.S. actions in Iraq, where U.S. troops work to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State and where Shiite militias tied to the IRGC operate close by. The IRGC is also tied to Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the political wing of the terror group is part of the government.

Netanyahu, who faces corruption allegation­s and a tough reelection fight against a former military chief, cast the U.S. move as a sign of his influence with the United States.

The designatio­n puts further distance between Trump’s policies toward Iran and those of European allies who remain a part of the nuclear deal.

A senior German security official said the designatio­n is not out of bounds because the IRGC “is an organizati­on which is committing terroristi­c acts,” but that Europe is unlikely to follow suit because of diplomatic and business ties to Iran.

The idea of designatin­g the unit has carried some bipartisan support for years. U.S. officials noted Monday that in 2007 then-sen. Barack Obama, D-ill., and then-sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., signed onto a bill urging President George W. Bush to make the IRGC designatio­n. Once elected president, however, Obama backed off this stance, concluding that the designatio­n would create more risk than reward.

 ??  ?? Members of Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard Corps arrive for a ceremony marking the 40th anniversar­y of the 1979 Islamic Revolution (WP)
Members of Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard Corps arrive for a ceremony marking the 40th anniversar­y of the 1979 Islamic Revolution (WP)

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