Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



- By A.S. Fernando

In our previous article we said the most popular compatibil­ity check methodolog­y that is widely prevalent in our country is Twenty-fold Porondam Comparison (Kuta Agreement) system. However, it is the general acceptance among savants of Astrology that the Kuta Agreement should not be considered the last word on conjugal compatibil­ity. There can be many other Dosha – blemishes either in one of the two horoscopes involved or in both that could lead to the failure of the marriage due to some physical or mental infirmity, clash of temperamen­ts or the early death of a mate.

In the previous article, we explained above blemishes from 1 to 5 - namely Kuja Dosha to Dosha resulting from Vivaha Karaka being conjunct with 7th lord in a Dusthana (6,8 or 12).

We propose to discuss the remaining Dosha in this article.

6. Shani – Mangala Yoga: Shani is Saturn and Mangala is Mars. Saturn – Mars conjunctio­n in a Natal Chart is considered a conjugal blemish that could ruin a marriage. The mutual aspect between the two planets too cause this blemish. This Dosha can get nullified only if the same Dosha is present in the partner’s horoscope as well.

7. Chandra – Mangala Dosha: This blemish is caused by the presence of Moon – Mars conjunctio­n in a horoscope. This blemish could make a person a homosexual or one inclined to gratify his sexual desire by unnatural means which could be an impediment to marriage success.

8. Vaiwadya Dosha: Rural folk in our country refer to this blemish as ‘Kanawemdum’ Dosha. This yoga present in a male horoscope would cause the death of wife and its presence in a female horoscope would cause the death of the husband. In a female horoscope following combinatio­ns are fatal to the husband:

■ The presence of Sun, Rahu, Mars or Saturn either in the 7th or the 8th House (or both Houses) from the Lagna or the Moon sign,

■ The presence of malefics in the Lagna and the 7th house,

■ The Moon being posited in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House,

■ Placement of the Moon, Rahu and Venus in the 8th House,

■ The Moon being placed in a sign owned by Mars (Aries or Scorpio) hemmed in by two malefics,

■ In a male horoscope following combinatio­ns are fatal to the wife:

■ The presence of Sun, Rahu, Mars or Saturn either in the 7th or the 8th House or both from the Lagna or the Moon sign,

■ The aspect of Saturn falling on Mars placed in the 7th house,

■ Lagnadhipa­ti is afflicted in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House, The presence of Rahu- Mars – Saturn conjunctio­n in the 6th, 7th or the 8th House.

The Sun casting its aspect on Saturn posited in the 7th House. 9. Ati-dhavana-kama Dosha:

The occurrence of Mars – Venus or Moon – Venus combinatio­n either in their own constellat­ions or in those owned by malefics causes this Dosha which make the native oversexed or libidinous. However, if these combinatio­ns occur in a sign owned by a benefic, the native would be a lover of arts. However, the presence of Jupiter in the Lagna renders this Dosha ineffectiv­e.

10. Bahuvivaha Dosha: This yoga signifies having to embark on several marriages or the incidence of several extra-marital relations. This Dosha is caused when the 7th lord, Mars or Venus is placed in a Dwithva Rashi like Gemini, Sagittariu­s or Pisces. This Dosha is also caused when the 2nd lord is afflicted or placed between malefics in the 6th, 8th, 12th or the 7th House or when there are several malefics placed in the 7th House or the 7th House is aspected by an exalted Venus.

(To be continued)

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