Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

How to maintain beauty after delivery


Pregnancy is a huge milestone. Being a mother, you would spend every waking hour catering to the needs of your little one. While this is great, taking good care of yourself is the first step to feeling beautiful. Giving your child all the attention isn’t enough, hence give yourself some attention as well. Motherhood is an overwhelmi­ng period, so cut yourself some slack and give your body all the love and care it truly deserves.

Looking beautiful and clean makes you feel confident and this is something every mother needs.

Here are a few postpartum beauty tips that will help you to retain your glow.

Keep yourself clean

As a part of motherhood You’re probably familiar with dirty diapers, gooey food and maternity clothes that smell of baby creams and sweat, but make sure you keep yourself clean and clean yourself each time you get dirty. Make sure to have a shower every day. This leaves both your body and mind fresh.

How to take control of your skin changes

While some lucky pregnant ladies have what we call the ‘glow of pregnancy’ others have the worst acne experience of their lives.

Drink plenty of water

The pregnancy glow is long gone, leaving behind a dull complexion that makes your skin look lifeless. The first step to getting back your glow is to drink water. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This will help you support the liver and also in monitoring and stabilisin­g your hormones. This flushes out the toxins from your body.

Sleep tightly

Get plenty of sleep and make sure you do hit the bed whenever you’re little one asleep. Proper sleep will give you a healthier skin. If you have dry skin use a water-based moisturize­r after washing your face.

Eat healthy

Making a few changes in your diet is a good step. Just because you are not pregnant anymore doesn’t mean you should increase your intake of junk food.

Eat dark green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach, beetroot carrots. These types of veggies are rich in vitamins and full of anti-oxidants which will keep your skin healthy.

Consume fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamins C, D, E and K. Take oranges, tuna and other big fish. Eat clean, although you can enjoy cheat days, but make sure that you aren’t taking extra calories than you need for a healthy body and mind.

Exercise moderately

One of the simplest and easiest ways to get your glow back is to breathe properly. And the best way to remain fit and get a glowing skin is to start yoga; which will help to increase blood circulatio­n.

Some common problems and simple remedies

1. Under Eye Swelling and Dark


Major causes of under eye swelling are lack of sleep, stress, and fatigue. Having a good sleep and asking your partner to keep a turn will work for you. Applying cucumber or potato slices on your eye for ten to fifteen minutes may reduce the discolorat­ion. You may apply aloe vera gel over your dark circles to get rid of them. 2. Acne

Acne after and during pregnancy is caused due to hormonal changes in your body. Eat a balanced diet and cut down on oily and processed foods. Cleansing and warm water thawing may work some time or you may try applying lime juice or tomato juice on the affected area and afterwards wash it with cold water.

3. Pigment spots

Pigment spots on the skin are caused due to the unhealthy condition of melanocyte­s in your skin. The best way to treat them is to try and get rid of them completely. These spots may be covered with concealer and foundation while staying in exposed areas.

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