Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Merkel in Paris as Bastille Day honours European partners


DPA, 14TH JULY, 2019 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and five other European leaders were guests of honour in Paris as Sunday’s Bastille Day parade celebrated European military cooperatio­n.

Merkel and leaders from Belgium, Estonia, Finland, the Netherland­s and Portugal greeted French President Emmanuel Macron as he arrived at the main reviewing stand on Place de la Concorde.

A small number of protesters earlier booed Macron as he was driven down the Champselys­ees on an open-topped military command car escorted by 147 horsemen and 28 motorcycli­sts.

The protesters, about 20 to 50 amid crowds of onlookers, also released yellow balloons in an apparent sign of support for the Yellow Vest protest movement, France 2 public television reported. The leaders and French ministers and officials then watched a display of new military technology including robots - one of them a joint Franco-german project mounted with the two countries’ flags.

The display also saw an armed man flying over the square on a Flyboard - a type of turbine-powered hoverboard developed by French jet ski champion turned inventor Franky Zapata. Troops from the 10 countries taking part in the European Interventi­on Initiative, were the first to march down the Champs-elysees, saluting Macron, Merkel and the other leaders. The initiative, a sort of rapid response force, was formed last year at France’s suggestion and also includes Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, the Netherland­s, Portugal and Spain.

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