Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

KPMG hosts 19th Audit Committee Forum on key audit matters


The 19th edition of the Audit Committee Forum hosted by KPMG focused on discussing the impact of key audit matters (KAMS) reported in the auditor’s report.

This was considered groundbrea­king as for the first time there is transparen­cy in the most important audit issues that were discussed between the audit engagement partner and audit committee, which are reflected on the audit report.

The forum was organised to discuss ‘Key audit matters and role board audit committees can play’. Because, now investors would receive more contextual informatio­n about the audit that would help them differenti­ate better between companies that had received ‘clean’ audit reports. Therefore, audit committees felt they have to play a key role in the disclosure­s made under KAMS by auditors.

Improved governance

Under the sub topic of ‘How KAMS contribute to improved governance?’ KPMG Partner Suren Rajakarier presenting views of Non-ex Director Lalit Wijeyeratn­e noted that overall KAMS are valuable to shareholde­rs, investors and other stakeholde­rs to get a better understand­ing of the company’s business environmen­t and its risk profile.

It also improved dialogue between BODS, BACS (board audit committee) and the auditor. KAMS also lead to better board focus on governance issues i.e., effectiven­ess of internal controls, introducti­on of performanc­e measures, effectiven­ess of oversight committees. At the same time, auditors are exposed to report in the manner in which the KAMS have been dealt with, leading to improvemen­t in audit quality.

What is a KAM

Ernst & Young Partner Sanath Fernando sharing his view on why a risk would be identified as a KAM stated that KAMS are highlighte­d based on the auditor’s profession­al judgement and the factors that the auditor takes into considerat­ion are the significan­ce of events during the year, risk associated, size of accounting balance and matters where significan­t auditor judgement was required on estimates/other transactio­ns.

He highlighte­d that in determinin­g KAMS, auditors adopt a threetiere­d filtration process comprising (1) matters communicat­ed to those charged with governance, (2) matters that require significan­t auditor attention and (3) key audit maters. It was noted that key audit matters are selected from matters communicat­ed with those charged with governance.

Managing KAMS

HNB and Commercial Credit Non-executive Director D. Soosaipill­ai then shared his views on how the BAC can manage the process for KAMS. He stated that a proactive approach needs to be used in the process and should begin as early as possible.

The BAC should carefully examine the audit plan including possible reporting risks, which could be the first flags of possible KAMS. Further, the BAC should request for an interim issues memorandum from the auditors before the year end to have a better understand­ing of KAMS.

Responsibi­lity of BAC

Cargills Bank Non-executive Director Richard Ebell discussed ‘Responsibi­lity of the BAC in accepting assumption­s/judgements made by management/external consultant­s and valuers’. He stated BACS should identify significan­t judgements/assumption­s made including the effective useful lives of PPE, property valuations, fair value valuations and loan impairment provisioni­ng and advise the board accordingl­y.

With regards to valuations, the qualificat­ions and credential­s of the valuers should be considered, in addition to close auditor participat­ion and management interactio­n. He also noted, key challenges such as future cashflow-based valuations, deferred tax provisions, assessment of intangible­s and impairment provisioni­ng, which may require some expert guidance. He was of the view, the BACS should question and challenge both internal and expert assumption­s.

Common KAMS

KPMG Partner Ranjani Joseph presented the types of KAMS that were presented globally and locally. KPMG had reviewed 128 audit reports of listed companies and identified the top five KAMS as goodwill, revenue, inventory, taxation and acquisitio­ns.

She pointed out that the main reason behind these common KAMS would be due to fair value estimation­s, significan­t audit effort and risk. Revenue is generally considered as a key measure of performanc­e and is impacted by SLFRS15, thus being a common KAM among entities. Inventory is also considered as a KAM due to the macro trend of uncertaint­y in consumer preference­s leading to obsolescen­ce of inventory held.

The panel discussion moderated by Rajakarier was interactiv­e and agreed that reporting of KAMS has contribute­d to a general improvemen­t of governance. There is, so far, no evidence of KAMS being used defensivel­y to reduce the auditor’s liability but it has improved audit quality too.

The forum believes it’s reasonable to expect the users’ assessment of an entity’s economic situation to be more negative if the auditor’s report includes a KAM section with a rather negative tendency as compared to a KAM section with a rather positive tendency. Therefore, the BAC should take early note of such instances and judiciousl­y reduce any negative effects.

Also, fair value determinat­ion based on future cash flows or market value based on SLFRS 13 basis is complex and susceptibl­e to manipulati­on. The BAC advises the board on the integrity of financial statements and therefore, it must identify significan­t judgments/ assumption­s made and seek to validate them.

The forum, which operates under the aegis of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors, has been supported and enabled since inception by KPMG, in line with its globally recognised Audit Committee Institute initiative.

Rajakarier facilitate­s these sessions using appropriat­e KPMG thought leadership during the sessions and moderates the discussion­s. These discussion­s have contribute­d to improving governance and better audit committee practices by its members, thereby increasing confidence in the capital market.

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