Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Invertebra­tes make up nearly 90% of the world's biodiversi­ty and insects are the most diverse of all animals on this planet. They comprise nearly 2/3rd of all land living species. Yet, they remain poorly understood in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries like Sri Lanka. Without insects, we would not be able to live in this world. They play very important roles in ecosystem functionin­g, pollinatio­n being the most obvious that springs to mind. Yet, insects do much more than this. They play a big role in energy cycling in ecosystems and contribute to maintainin­g quality of soils and water, aerate the soil, reduce soil runoff by improving texture. In fact, as E. O. Wilson states, should insects go extinct, we and most of the rest of the living world would soon follow.

Alas, thanks to the actions of humans there has been a dramatic decline in the population­s of insects. While bees have hit the headlines, insecticid­es and other pollutants are decimating all species of insects in all parts of the world. Unless we stop, life will!

Pleading the cause of insects, and for our continued survival, are two of Sri Lanka's entomologi­sts, Nirmalie

Pallewatta and Jayanthi Edirisingh­e. Nirmalie Pallewatta is a Professor in Zoology and Environmen­t Science at the University of Colombo. She graduated with B. Sc. Honours (First Class) Degree in Zoology from the University of Colombo and read for her PH.D. in Entomology from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London. She was a programme officer of the Regional Biodiversi­ty Programme, Asia of the IUCN on sabbatical leave. She was the Head of the Department of Zoology and Environmen­t Sciences and is currently the coordinato­r of the Business and Environmen­t Degree programme of the Faculty of Science. Her current main research focus is on aquatic insects as indicators of the quality of freshwater streams.

Emeritus Professor Jayanthi Edirisingh­e entered the University of Colombo to pursue a Degree in Zoology. On graduation, she joined the staff of Sri Jayawarden­apura University as a Lecturer in Biology. She pursued her postgradua­te studies in Forest Entomology at the University of Adelaide in Australia. On her return, she taught Forest Entomology in the Masters Degree programme before moving to the University of Peradeniya to join her husband. Here, over a period of 30 years, she taught Entomology and researched the taxonomy and ecology of several groups of insects. She retired in 2014 as Professor of Applied Zoology. Professor

Edirisingh­e is a Senior Hays-fulbright Fellow, a recipient of the National Science Foundation Merit Award for Scientific Excellence, Presidenti­al Awards for Research, National Research Council Award for Scientific Publicatio­n

and was the Editor-in-chief of the Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Science).

 ??  ?? A grass moth A iridescent­ly coloured true bug, looking like a leaf beetle
A grass moth A iridescent­ly coloured true bug, looking like a leaf beetle
 ??  ?? A spittle bugfroghop­per
A spittle bugfroghop­per
 ??  ?? Prof Nirmalie Pallewatta
Prof Nirmalie Pallewatta
 ??  ?? Prof. Jayanthi Edirisingh­e
Prof. Jayanthi Edirisingh­e

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