Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Pan Asia Bank’s budget plus leasing offers lowest monthly vehicle installmen­ts


Leasing vehicles offer many benefits to consumers, the greatest being lesser costs, smaller down payments and lower monthly payments, which makes owning a dream vehicle easy on the pocket and stress-free.

A market where many leasing service providers exist however can lead to confusion amongst consumers who find it difficult to sift the chaff from the grain, especially in times of economic stress, when it becomes imperative to take wise financial decisions and partner with a reliable leasing provider.

In such a context, Pan Asia Bank stands apart as a bank that has developed a strong reputation for offering products and services which fulfill specific needs of customers fueled by its belief that every person deserves to realize his or her dream. Thus the bank has devised customized leasing solutions that support its customers to achieve their aspiration­s.


An ideal product for salaried customers who need to stay within a specific leasing budget for their vehicles, but still want to fulfil their dream of purchasing a vehicle, is Pan Asia Banks’ Budget+leasing, which stretches affordabil­ity at Rs. 1,983/- for every Rs. 100,000 over a duration of 5 years. Budget+leasing was designed to offer the lowest monthly rental unlike regular leases, where the monthly outgo is higher. This product was conceived after hearing customer after customer wish for lower monthly payments to suit their income levels. Budget+leasing is the answer to their wishes as they have to pay 40% of the lease value to the Bank only at the end of five years, unlike most other leasing service providers that demand the amount at the outset. This product allows customers to even graduate to a higher value vehicle during the period and still make low monthly installmen­ts.

Easy premiums

Placing high priority on customer convenienc­e, Pan Asia Bank also offers a network of lowest insurance premiums in-house, so that customers do not spend time hunting for an insurance provider for the vehicle and can complete all such related formalitie­s under one roof.

Industry-best solutions

As one of the most customer focused leasing partners in the industry, Pan Asia Bank offers some distinct benefits that have resulted in growing its portfolio of leasing customers. Pan Asia Bank’s industrybe­st leasing experts guide and advise customers on the leasing options that suit their circumstan­ces. The main benefit in selecting Pan Asia Bank as your leasing partner is the flexibilit­y and courteous service the staff offers, which makes for a stress-free and pleasant experience. Furthermor­e, the bank’s services can be accessed through its island-wide branch network of 85 branches with ease.

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