Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By M. M. Zuhair

The Justice Vijith Malalgoda fact finding committee, appointed by the President following the 21/04 suicide bombings, had recommende­d that the country’s intelligen­ce services be brought under a legal mandate that would empower and govern the intelligen­ce agencies. It is a welcome recommenda­tion that must be acted upon forthwith. That would help prevent the recurrence of similar terrorist attacks in the country.

Presently the only provision of law empowering intelligen­ce gathering is section 56 (e) of the archaic Police Ordinance of 1865, which states that, it shall be the duty of every police officer “to collect and communicat­e intelligen­ce affecting the public peace”. There is an obvious need to holistical­ly institutio­nalise intelligen­ce gathering under a well anchored profession­al body within a statutory framework that will facilitate its effective functionin­g under an independen­t leadership accountabl­e to parliament and the judiciary. The authority must have special powers and credible status with restraints that will prevent the abuse of the authority for collateral purposes, as revealed negatively in the course of recent investigat­ions. Intelligen­ce gathering is the initial part of investigat­ions. A robust investigat­ion will reveal whether the ‘intelligen­ce’ or the ‘informatio­n’ gathered is fact or fiction. Police investigat­ions are an accountabl­e process, particular­ly to the judiciary under the Code of Criminal Procedure Act and other laws. Police officers are public servants who have subscribed to the country’s constituti­on and have taken oaths of office. Often they have to give evidence and are subject to cross examinatio­n.

Foreign interferen­ces are going on under cover of ‘expert’ assistance, by countries which have never solved terrorism

But soon after the 21/04 suicide bombings the government permitted, without any legal authority to do so, foreign intelligen­ce agents and so-called experts to directly inter-meddle in the investigat­ions. Thereby the credibilit­y of investigat­ions, having to be independen­t and accountabl­e as mandated under our law, has been tainted. It can be proven that some of these foreign bodies have agendas of their own. A tainted investigat­ion will adversely affect a fair trial-stage judicial process. None of those foreign busy bodies are accountabl­e under our laws. They will not give evidence nor will they allow themselves to be cross examined. Acts of inter-meddling by foreigners are interferen­ces in the judicial process that will affect adversely the standards of fairness required at the trial stages.

Foreign interferen­ces are going on under cover of ‘expert’ assistance, by countries which have never solved terrorism in any of the countries into which they had wriggled themselves. Some of these countries have wantonly multiplied the radicaliza­tion process, created internal conflicts by peppering conflictin­g extremists, boosted their sales of weapons and left those countries after ruining them. They have their own agenda. According to Archbishop His Eminence Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, these arms manufactur­ing countries want markets for their weapons, explosives and security equipment. John Perkins’ 2005 book ‘Confession­s of an Economic Hit Man’ gives graphic details of how they terrorise the world into submission to the project agenda. There are also those who reject the truth as ‘conspiracy theories’.

Proposed Counter Terrorism Law has a dangerous clause that legally permits foreign investigat­ion agencies to jointly probe terrorism related offences with Sri Lankan police

The proposed Counter Terrorism Law has a dangerous clause that would legally permit foreign investigat­ion agencies to jointly investigat­e terrorism related offences with the Sri Lankan police. If enacted it will be the first step towards justifying foreign judges to hear cases here. With our traditiona­l servile mentality to anything Western, joint investigat­ions will lead to foreigners deciding the course of our criminal courts. This would also allow unaccounta­ble foreigners coming from countries branded with anti- black and anti-muslim state policies to wantonly manoeuvre the due judicial process in this country. We cannot be unmindful of recent developmen­ts in a large number of Western countries where right wing extremism labeled populism dictates their judicial process. These countries have begun to drift away from well-establishe­d internatio­nal human rights standards. They could soon become dangerous role models!

Of course intelligen­ce gathering involves the receipt of foreign intelligen­ce inputs. Some of them are exceptiona­lly accurate as in the case of 21/04, giving the impression that foreign intelligen­ce agencies may be closely involved with the potential terrorists. Will the Sri Lankan authoritie­s dare to investigat­e the source? Will they ever investigat­e to what extent foreign intelligen­ce agencies have got embedded with prospectiv­e terrorists?

But several are the cases where fake terror threats were planted such as the US State Department reporting to India, according to Wiki Leaks, on June 19, 2009, within a month of the LTTE’S defeat, that Pakistan-based Lashker-e-taiba (LET) had establishe­d a facilitati­on center in Sri Lanka! Again on August 22, 2013 Indian intelligen­ce leaked a story to the media that intelligen­ce had been received that LET had set up a center in Jaffna and were preparing for an attack on South India from Jaffna. Both reports turned out to be totally fake! There are many more such fake intelligen­ce reports. they cried wolf until 21/04 when the boys here, probably never believed the Indian input. This could also be the handy work of external elements through known radicals in their possible pay roll.

A war between our two nuclear armed neighbours is big business for arms manufactur­ers. Fake news attributed to unaccounta­ble intelligen­ce sources play a terrorisin­g role when security related seminars are around the corner. Any racial or religious conflict, now a common factor in India is welcome news for the arms industry. Over a thousand factories in the Western capitals alone daily roll out machines and explosives that kill the innocents by the thousands. It is in this context that we need to ensure that the report of the fact finding committee is officially released by the government and urgently followed up.

The writer can be reached at: mm_ zuhair @yahoo.com

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