Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


SC stripped CBK of Over-staying in Office Mangala’s Endeavor to Promote MR, Provoked Chandrika in 2005

- By KKS PERERA kksperera1@gmail.com

It was Karl Marx who said, ‘History repeats itself, first as Tragedy second as Farce’the Kumarathun­ga-rajapaksa confrontat­ion in 2005 was very much similar to today’s crisis in the UNP’S Wickremesi­nghe— Premadasa Clash. kumar at hung a

preceded Sirisena in seeking a SC ruling on ending of term; and the third, Mangala’s ‘acrobatics’.

They say, some senior lawyers burned mid night oil at Darley Rd, the day before Election Commission made its surprise announceme­nt on Presidenti­al election date. The project was initiated by SLFP stalwarts close to President, who convinced him on a last ditch attempt to buy time for a profitable deal with SLPP or

UNP. Their argument was based on a flimsy point that though Maithri took oaths as the Executive President on January 9, 2015, the actual date of commenceme­nt of his five-year term should be the day on which the Speaker placed his signature on 19A [May 2015].

The previous Presidenti­al election was held immediatel­y after the bomb attack targeting CBK by the LTTE, which helped her win the sympathy and a second term of Presidency in

1999. She had her swearing-in which was telecast globally. Subsequent­ly, she had a private swearing-in secret which became public domain a year later. Then she who promised to abolish Executive Presidency on or before July 15, 1995 declared with Presidenti­al authority that she would remain in power as President until

2006, and that there would be no presidenti­al election as scheduled, in 2005. The Supreme Court was deliberati­ng the applicatio­n, CBK believed she can continue till 2006.

The Jathika Hela Urumaya’s Ven. Omalpe Sobitha Thera filed a fundamenta­l rights applicatio­n for a five-bench sitting of SC, Chaired

by Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva and four judges of the Supreme Court to unanimousl­y agree that the presidenti­al elections would have to be held in 2005. It was the biggest

blow to CBK’S political career that marked the end of it. There were side-attempts like what is happening now, bringing in amendments through Parliament­ary motions to abolish the Executive Presidenti­al system [as she pledged to JVP in writing] before July 15, 1995. In 2005, her Presidency had been abridged to just three more months. Something even a powerful President could not escape. The then Opposition leader, Ranil Wickremesi­nghe, who is now desperatel­y trying to prevent his deputy from contesting, said, “Feudalism is now on the wane. People’s power is now being strengthen­ed.”

Much to her displeasur­e, most of the seniors were already with one foot in the camp of the next presidenti­al aspirant Rajapaksa. CBK berated her erstwhile loyalist and faithful Man gala

Samaraweer­a for his dramatic move saying, “Mangala, you said you won’t support Mahinda, but now you are on the top of his list of promoters, can’t you see, it’s incongruou­s?” Mangala switched loyalties and became chief organizer of MR’S campaign. [a feat he repeated in 2019] Lakshman

Kadirgamar, Foreign Minister, a symbol of patriotism and a man who hated terrorism was no more; he was felled by a sniper’s bullet of LTTE a few days before. Like today’s UNP, there was chaos and confusion within the then SLFP. President Kumaratung­a and her brother Anura Bandaranai­ke came under fire by the members of the

SLFP and the parties allied with it over what they uttered as, their ‘negative’ speech during the campaign. They said the unwanted remarks by them were harmful to the party their parents took forward. In fact Nirmala

Kotalawela, a Senior Vice President of the SLFP, and Deputy Minister wrote to Anura Bandaranai­ke, saying it was unfortunat­e that Anura had communicat­ed his personal views to the media.

The SLFP’S Executive Committee was summoned for Sep 4, 2005 as an unschedule­d forerunner to the party’s convention to be held on

Sept. 6, where MR’S nomination was to be formally sanctioned. There was speculatio­n that CBK was to announce the dissolutio­n of Parliament, and hold general elections to prevent an MR victory. Party seniors call it a canard rumoured by UNP because, even if Parliament is dissolved now, an election has to be held only after the Presidenti­al election.

Mangala Samaraweer­a, Ports and Shipping Minister tackled an unparallel­ed political crisis in the

SLFP by presenting a formula that contented both factions: one led by CBK and Anura Bandaranai­ke, and other by Mahinda. The plan worked out by Samaraweer­a was in consultati­on with few others. Confidante­s of President including two government officials, predicted

MR and Anura simultaneo­usly named as the candidates for President and PM respective­ly. [why cannot he do the same with UNP?] Samaraweer­a is believed to have summarized his plan at a high level meeting chaired by CBK at the President’s house on 26th night, where it was decided to introduce an amendment to the party Constituti­on for CBK who was under fire from all quarters for her P-toms, to remain as the party leader. Both contenders, MR and Bandaranai­ke were members of the committee.

Bandaranai­ke, MR, Kadirgamar, Ratwatte, Maithripal­a and Alavi Moulana were present at the meeting.

It was Alavi Moulana and Mangala who averted a likely disagreeme­nt and chaos; they expressed delight as they accomplish­ed something in resolving a crisis.

The JVP backed Mangala’s formula. The JVP left the coalition government

on June 16 in disagreeme­nt with CBK for her decision to sign the controvers­ial P-TOMS accord with Prabhakara­n. SLFP Party secretary

Maithripal­a Sirisena along with his senior colleagues and party officials, at Temple Trees held a press conference to announce

CBK’S proposal to nominate MR as candidate for Presidency. The Central Committee [more democratic than UNP’S WC] unanimousl­y voted for

MR’S candidatur­e on July 28, 2005, well ahead of nomination date, while

Anura Bandaranai­ke, Minister of Tourism and Industrial Developmen­t, another aspirant for the high post was selected the Prime Ministeria­l Candidate. There was speculatio­n in some media that there was opposition to MR, he continued, but everyone in the party from President CBK down to the grass roots was backing him who will prove to be popular, charismati­c and a strong candidate to meet Ranil Wickremesi­nghe.

For two weeks or so, the JVP and MR had been having few rounds of talks on entering into a pact. MR was disparate to use the JVP’S mass mobilisati­on capabiliti­es at village level. Over the years, the strength of SLFP’S organisati­onal machinery had been on the decline. The JVP unlike today, was keen on ensuring that the UNP does not make a comeback. The JVP put forward several demands to SLFP as Maithripal­a, Nimal Siripala, Susil Premajayan­th and Mangala Samaraweer­a together with the

MR participat­ed with a JVP team comprising Tilvin Silva, Nandana Gunathilla­ke, Wimal Weerawansa and Anura Kumara Dissanayak­e. The JVP-MR marriage was

registered at ‘Temple Trees ‘ in Colombo on August 31, while Dilan Perera, who became a close confidant of CBK [after Mangala betrayed his mentor CBK] were mapping out a strategy in far away in Beijing to frustrate a JVP-MR marriage.


Results announced by 5.00 am on

November 18, confirmed victory for MR. He received a telephone call, a brief congratula­tory note from CBK; then she asked the elected President not to take his oaths that day and to wait until after November 23, for she had planned a grandiose ceremony, her own farewell on November 22.

That was going to be an event to be telecast live countrywid­e. MR on astrologic­al advice picked November

19. But CBK was insistent, even after completing two terms [eleven and a half yrs], she should still carry on for a few more days! MR’S rejection annoyed her and a war of words resulted between the two Presidents. Then she asked MR to make Anura the Foreign Minister. “Anura has been maligning me he did not support my campaign, insulted me; he will travel the world insulting me,” MR retorted.

Following the footsteps of the generation of Rajapaksas commencing with D. M. Rajapakse, the ‘Lion of Ruhuna’, who succeeded not lesser than seven members elected to legislator­s to both the State Council and the House of Representa­tives from this deep-south electorate, Mahinda

Rajapaksa, a son of the nuclear political family of Giruwapatt­uwa, reached the highest office in Sri

Lanka, that of Executive President. In a couple of days it will be known, who the main contender in 2019, to meet Gotabhaya of Giruwapatt­uwa, in Hambantota; will it be a Colombobor­n young man who fancied

Lanka’s backwater, Hambantota or a Colepetty man?

The previous Presidenti­al election was held immediatel­y after the bomb attack targeting CBK by the LTTE

In 2005, CBK’S Presidency had been abridged to just three more months

JVP left the coalition government on June 16 in disagreeme­nt with CBK

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