Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



It is necessary to hold our peace when tempted to speak angrily, to opt for honesty over deceit, to choose love over hate and select truth over error

Once again, the behaviour of some of our legislator­s shocked the nation as the group in the government against abolishing the Presidency behaved like street hooligans or worse. They forget that this was a promise made in the election. Maybe it should have been done earlier but certainly it's better late than never!

We have all seen what havoc the executive presidency has caused to the nation in more ways than one. Also if one is against it, there is a decent way of expressing one's views. Not with bad language, abuse and shouting that seems to be a habit with some who haven't been brought up to see the difference between right and wrong, whatever the circumstan­ces may be.

Every day we all face temptation­s that seek to divert us, confuse us and entangle us in webs that cannot be disentangl­ed. It is necessary to hold our peace when tempted to speak angrily, to opt for honesty over deceit, to choose love over hate and select truth over error.

Most of all today, with television, mobile phones etc, words and actions become public almost immediatel­y and is the worst possible example for youth, especially when their MPS behave in this way.

Youth will begin to think that the way to get ahead and what you want is by bullying. shouting and intimidati­on.

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