Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Prosecutor­s to get approval before charging scribes


SYDNEY REUTERS SEPT 30 - Australian prosecutor­s need government permission before they can file charges against local journalist­s, Attorney General Christian Porter said on Monday. Australian police in June raided the head office of the government-funded Australian Broadcasti­ng Corp (ABC) in Sydney and the home of a News Corp editor on suspicion of receiving national secrets.

The raids, which involved police examinatio­n of about 9,000 computer files at the ABC, and sifting through the female News Corp editor’s underwear drawer, according to media reports, have drawn criticism from around the world. The British Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n calling them “deeply troubling.” Porter said he told prosecutor­s the attorney general’s approval was needed before any prosecutio­n. “This will allow the most detailed and cautious considerat­ion of how an allegation of a serious offence should be balanced with our commitment to freedom of the press,” Porter said in an email.

Porter said the directive to the Commonweal­th Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (CDPP) was issued on Sep. 19. Under Australian law, prosecutor­s can file charges if the CDPP deems they have a reasonable chance of conviction and the prosecutio­n is in the public interest.

 ??  ?? Australia Attorney General Christian Porter
Australia Attorney General Christian Porter

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