Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)




The SLFP yesterday officially announced it’s wholeheart­ed support for SLPP presidenti­al candidate Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the presidenti­al poll and campaign for his victory while SLFP leader President Maithripal­a Sirisena will remain neutral and would not participat­e in the propaganda campaign of Rajapaksa.

Senior vice President of the SLFP, Nimal Siripala de Silva said the SLFP’S support will be conditiona­l and two Mous and a Constituti­on of the SLFP-SLPP-LED alliance will be signed shortly to ensure smooth running of the new government expected to be establishe­d after the victory of Mr. Rajapaksa and also to protect the interests of the SLFP, the nation and the country.

Former Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva flanked by senior office bearers of the SLFP and UPFA, addressing a crowded news briefing at the party office last morning said that the decision to support Mr. Rajapaksa was taken considerin­g the current predicamen­t of the economy, national security and sufferings of the people.

General Secretary of the SLFP, Dayasiri Jayasekara addressing media said that President Sirisena as the head of state and commander of the Police and armed forces has decided not to take the side of any candidate. He has even passed responsibi­lities of the chairman of the party to Prof. Rohana Lakshman Piyasdasa, former General Secretary of the party until the election campaign is over.

“We are not to join the SLPP. But we run t he propaganda campaign in support of Mr. Rajapaksa jointly with the SLPP protecting our dignity and integrity of the party. While doing so, we also run propaganda campaigns separately as the SLFP. We are responsibl­e to protect the interests of our supporters, MPS, Pradeshiya Sabha and provincial council members.

MP Silva said that though the SLPP was reluctant to change the party symbol for a common symbol accepted to both parties at the Presidenti­al poll, the SLPP has agreed to contest the Parliament­ary poll next year under the common symbol of chair.

“We won’t contest the Presidenti­al poll. But as a mainstream democratic political party and we cannot remain independen­t or uninvolved in this extremely important election that would decide the destinies of the nation.the SLFP leader President Maithripal­a Sirisena has also decided not to contest at this poll. After much thought and considerin­g all ideas of our party supporters, Pradeshiya Sabha, Provincial Council and Parliament­ary members, the party’s Central Committee decided to support Mr. Rajapaksa and campaign for his victory with full force,” Mr. de Silva said.

Responding to Daily Mirror, he said the SLFP was committed to prevent any misdeeds or crimes like killing, harassment or suppressio­n of media personal, arson attacks on media institutio­ns, firing and murder of unarmed civilians who make democratic [protests, re-introducti­on of white van culture etc] and added the SLFP would ensure that those crimes and misdeeds would not take place under a future Rajapaksa regime in the event Gotabaya winning the presidenti­al poll.

The party had three options which are to support the UNP, SLPP or remain unconteste­d.the party’s Central Committee and party leader, President Sirisena decide to support Mr. Rajapaksa notwithsta­nding the SLPP’S outright rejection to change the party symbol, pohottuwa (Lotus bud). However, the SLFP would support Mr. Rajapaksa on condition and with an assurance from the SLPP and the latter to respect the integrity and dignity of the party and give full protection to our supporters, PS and PC members and Parliament­arians, the former minister stressed.

Mr. de Silva said SLFP supports SLPP on policy and its work programme, and not to any individual.the constituti­on contains conditions to make the cabinet to 30, allocate cabinet portfolios on a scientific basis, maintain concept of good governance, control drugs, protect environmen­t etc.

“The SLFP is fully committed to campaign to ensure Mr. Rajapaksa’s victory. It is a wholeheart­ed support with no arm twisting.all SLFPERS are in a very happy mood after the decision to support Mr. Rajapaksa,” Mr. de Silva noted.

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