Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Opponents accept SF is real war victor

After ten years those who boasted had to make a confession that he was not the real victor My opponents claim they are patriotic. My opponents betrayed the forces


New Democratic Front presidenti­al candidate Sajith Premadasa yesterday said his opponents had finally accepted that Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka was the real victor when it comes to the war.

Both my opponent and his leader had to accept that Field Marshall was the real victor. It was clear that falsehood does not last long

Speaking at an election rally in Dodangasla­nda yesterday Mr. Premadasa said his opponents finally had to accept that they have lied to the people on the war victory.

“Whole country found out the false claim made by my opponent on the war victory.

“Both my opponent and his leader had to accept that Field Marshall was the real victor. It was clear that falsehood does not last long. Nature does not allow falsehood to dominate. Truth will prevail at this year’s presidenti­al election,” he said.

Meanwhile in a rally in Wariyapola Mr. Premadasa said truth will win the day. He recalled that his father also said the same thing during his final public rally.

“After ten years those who boasted had to make a confession that he was not the real victor. He was not able to answer the questions raised by the journalist­s.

“I will also hold a press conference. I will participat­e in it alone. I don’t want anyone else to support me at the conference. I will show how I will face questions of journalist­s.

“My opponents claim they are patriotic. My opponents betrayed the forces. When a foreign journalist asked about the military operations he got frightened and said army commander did everything. What a cowardly act. We will not betray the forces. However Sajith Premadasa will face the internatio­nal community on behalf of the forces. This country needs an iron leadership. I will provide such a leadership to this country.

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