Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


Witness questioned over 2 prisoners who were not in Welikada at that moment Says he saw 3 individual­s in plain clothing entering the prison without any hesitation


Former Assistant Superinten­dent P.W. Kudabandar­a yesterday informed the Colombo High Court trial-at-bar that on November 10, 2012, several officers attached to Sri Lanka Army showed him a list of names of prisoners, referring to it as “Gota’s List.”

Deputy Solicitor General (DSG) Dilan Ratnayake who appeared for the Attorney General (AG) questioned the witness as to who was referred to by the Army officers as ‘Gota.’ In response, the witness said the officers highlighte­d the name of former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa during the conversati­on.

He informed court that before starting the conversati­on, the Army officers questioned him about two prisoners who were not in the Welikada prison at that moment.

“During the incident, I heard prisoners screaming not to kill them. They even shouted my name, crying for help. But, unfortunat­ely, I couldn’t do anything at that moment as I was mentally unstable,” he told court.

However, he said that when he came out of the prison at one point, he saw three individual­s in plain clothing entering the prison without any hesitation.

“I followed them. One of them, dressed in a short and yellow colour t-shirt, went near the Army officers and engaged in conversati­on. I asked a person standing near me as to who that individual was and I was told its Police Inspector Neomal Rangajeewa,” he said.

Meanwhile, President’s Counsel Nalinda Indatissa who appeared on behalf of Police Inspector Neomal Rangajeewa made his objections saying this part of evidence made it unfair to his client.

Considerin­g the majority, the trial-at-bar decided to record that part in the court report.

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