Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Whether you want to make a million or mend a broken heart, California­n healer Heather

Askinosie believes the answer lies in the mystical energy of crystals. But is the latest wellbeing trend really a magic cure-all or simply new-age nonsense?

HEATHER'S TOP TEN STONES The happiness booster: Citrine

Citrine helps you choose to be happy. Tuning in to your happiness is like standing in the sun; citrine emits a frequency that connects you with that light, happy feeling and infuses you with joy. When you feel stuck, citrine can shine a light to burn away darkness in your life. It reminds you to tap into your happiness anywhere, anytime.

The stress reliever: Amethyst

Cars honking all around you? Kids screaming? Inbox overflowin­g? Amethyst reconnects you to calmness, helping you find inner peace. With its relaxing energies, it guides you to turn inward so you can get back to a state of equilibriu­m, purifying your mind of worry and day-to-day stresses.

The bodyguard: Black Tourmaline

Ever felt someone’s bad mood was contagious, or walked into a room and sensed the lingering effects of a fight? You’re feeling the leftover vibrations from negative energies. Black

tourmaline helps you create an energetic force field to prevent ‘bad vibes’ from leaving their impression­s on you.

The lucky charm: Aventurine

Luck isn’t a thing you have or don’t have; it’s a mindset. Being lucky requires seizing an opportunit­y. The positive energy of aventurine helps to remove doubt, encouragin­g you to say, ‘Yes!’, By staying receptive and open to positive change, aventurine increases your odds of success.

The guiding light: Clear Quartz

For clarity when you feel lost, unsure, foggy and misguided. Clear quartz helps by clearing your mind and bringing to light your authentic desires. Like a spam filter, it will help you scan and delete mental ‘garbage’ so you can zero in on what you truly want. An energetic prescripti­on for 20/20 vision.

The financial adviser: Pyrite

Helps you attract wealth and empowers you to see your worth so that you can manifest more money into your life. Pyrite encourages you to be confident and focused so you are able to create the wealth you desire. Money may not arrive as a pay cheque but in unexpected ways.

The health hero: Turquoise

If taking care of yourself has fallen down your to-do list, this will bring it back to the top. Heal, renew, regenerate; this is the never-ending cycle of turquoise energy. It is a programmab­le stone that allows you to set specific intentions when you want to create new, healthier habits.

The cheerleade­r: Labradorit­e

Labradorit­e calls on you to embrace your limitless potential and think big. It compels you to recognise your strengths in ways you had underestim­ated. As a stone of destiny, it stops you concentrat­ing on earlier setbacks and helps if fear of failure is holding you back.

The energy cleanser: Selenite

Like dust, energy builds up when it isn’t cleansed. Selenite helps to wash ‘energetic grime’ from a difficult day, wiping the slate clean. It is a purifier for your environmen­t, clearing darker, heavier energy and flows positive vibes into any room in which it is placed.

The love magnet: Rose Quartz

If your love life has hit the brakes or you’re having trouble connecting with someone, this can help by emitting strong vibrations of love. It fills you with compassion, warmth and tenderness. This stone opens your heart by dissolving any walls you may have placed around it.

Selenite helps to wash ‘energetic grime’ from a difficult day, wiping the slate clean

 ??  ?? Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
 ??  ?? Citrine
 ??  ?? Amethyst
 ??  ?? Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline
 ??  ?? Aventurine

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