Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)





• Says unskilled jobs should be given to the poor, not to people from the minister’s electorate

• Says will go for a general election at earliest possible opportunit­y

• Invites new govt to break away from political culture rejected by people

The appointmen­ts of heads to State corporatio­ns, boards and other institutio­ns would be made through a Selection Board to ensure only the qualified and profession­als would be appointed as chairperso­ns and directors, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said yesterday.

• All MPS should be given equal opportunit­y to fill the unskilled job vacancies without one single minister directly filling them

• This is an interim government appointed to fulfil people’s expectatio­ns and the pledges we made in the election manifesto

Addressing the newly appointed ministers and to be appointed ministers at the Presidenti­al Secretaria­t, President Rajapaksa said the statutory bodies and corporatio­ns have become loss making institutio­ns in the past.

“We should be able to maintain them without being a burden to the Treasury and to make them profitable. this can be done by selecting the right person to do the right job.therefore, only the qualified and knowledgea­ble profession­als should be appointed as chairperso­ns and director board members,” he said.

He said it was also outlined in his presidenti­al election manifesto that a Selection Board would be appointed to select the correct person. “i request ministers to submit the names to the Selection Board so that it can consider whether the nominees qualify,” President Rajapaksa said.

Meanwhile, he said the unskilled job vacancies at ministries should be filled with the underprivi­leged people in the area of an institutio­n, instead of with the people from the designated minister’s electorate. “Whether it is a hospital or a school, unskilled jobs should be given to the poor in the respective area. Unfortunat­ely, unskilled jobs at a ministry were earlier given to the people in a minister’s electorate. these vacancies should be filled by the members of low-income families. If highly educated people were appointed as unskilled workers, they will not be able to get the job done,” the President said. When filling unskilled job vacancies, President Rajapaksa said all MPS should be given equal opportunit­ies to make nomination­s. “All MPS should be given equal opportunit­y to fill the unskilled job vacancies without one single minister directly filling them. If there are such vacancies, please inform us at the Presidenti­al Secretaria­t then we can ensure that all MPS can be given the opportunit­y to fill these vacancies,” he said. Commenting on the 15-member Cabinet, he said it was appointed for a limited time to deliver what was promised during the presidenti­al election campaign.

“This is an interim government appointed to fulfil people’s expectatio­ns and the pledges we made in the election manifesto.at the presidenti­al election, we also asked for a mandate to go for a general election. At the earliest possible opportunit­y, we will go for a general election constituti­onally,” President Rajapaksa said.

He said the people expressed displeasur­e over the political culture that prevailed in the country in the past. “bearing that in mind, we should enter a new era by breaking away from that culture,” he said. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, the new ministers, party leaders and others were present at the ceremony.

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