Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Dr M A Nuhman

A.M.A. Azeez, a reputed Sri Lankan Muslim intellectu­al was born in Vannarponn­ai, Jaffna on October 4, 1911. He received his primary and secondary education at two leading Hindu schools in Jaffna and his BA degree in History from the Ceylon University College in 1933. He joined the prestigiou­s Ceylon Civil Service in 1935 as the first Muslim civil servant and worked in various administra­tive positions in different parts of the country for 13 years. He resigned from the Civil Service in 1948 to undertake the responsibi­lity to serve as the Principal and to develop Colombo Zahira College. He establishe­d the Colombo Zahira as one of the leading schools in the country during his period of more than a decade. He was also appointed as a Senator in1952 and his speeches at the Senate are witnessing his genuine concern about the betterment of his country and its people. He was very much respected by both Muslims and Tamils and also by the Sinhalese for his services to the communitie­s and the nation.

Azeez thought that modern education is the only tool for the progress and upward social mobility of the Muslim community from its backwardne­ss. When he was in Kalmunai as Assistant Government Agent, he establishe­d the Kalmunai Muslim Education Society in 1942 and later he formed the Ceylon Muslim Scholarshi­p Fund in 1945 that helped thousands of needy Muslim students to pursue higher education and continues to serve.

Azeez also thought that choosing a proper language for education is essential for the advancemen­t and integratio­n of the Muslim community. He has extensivel­y written and spoken on the subject of language and education of Sri Lankan Muslims for more than three decades from the early 1940s.

Sri Lankan Muslims, who have at least a thousand years of continuous history in this country, speak Tamil not only in the North and East but also in the isolated villages surrounded by predominan­tly Sinhala speakers in the South. However, the Colombo based Sri Lankan Muslim elite has been more reluctant to accept Tamil as their mother tongue from the late 19th century obviously for political reasons.

They wanted to assert their separate ethnic identity to differenti­ate themselves from the Sri Lankan Tamils whose mother tongue is also Tamil. Therefore some of the Muslim elites propagated to adopt Arabic as their Mother’s tongue, while some of them advocated for Sinhala or English.

However, A.M.A. Azeez vehemently argued for Tamil as the mother tongue of the Sri Lankan Muslims. He wrote an article in 1941 on the subject entitled “The Ceylon Muslims and the Mother Tongue: Claims for the Tamil Language.”

He defines mother tongue as “the language in which the mother speaks to the child….the language in which the wife and husband address each other and both of them talk to their children”, and he adds, “Ordinarily there should be in a community no doubt as to what its mother tongue is. But in the case of the Ceylon Moors, confusion in some quarters has arisen as a result of many of the Moors being bilingual and some of them being dissatisfi­ed with the present position and wanting to go after a new mother tongue….some are tempted to advocate Arabic as their future mother tongue and others Sinhalese and still others English. These advocates do not, however, come from the Northern or Eastern parts of Ceylon where no doubt of any kind is entertaine­d as regards to the future status of Tamil.” The contributi­on of Azeez in establishi­ng Muslim identity as against Moor identity is also very important in the history of Muslims in modern Sri Lanka, although Azeez himself was using the term ‘Moors’ in his earlier writings. The word ‘Moor’ is supposed to be of Phoenician origin and was borrowed by Europeans to denote the Muslims of mixed Arab origin found in Western Spain and North Africa. The ‘Moor’ identity, a colonial invention, was imposed upon the Muslim community by the colonial rulers, first by the Portuguese and then by the Dutch and British. During the British period, the word gained currency and was widely used in colonial administra­tion and the other domains. A section of the Colombo based Muslim elite adopted this word and persistent­ly used it to refer to the Muslim community to serve its own class interests during the colonial period, in order to differenti­ate themselves from the Indian Muslims and Malays.

It was this elitist group who formed the Moors Union in 1900 in the process of consolidat­ing their ethnic identity. I. L. M. Abdul Azeez was the founder president of the Union. Later in the early 1920s, they establishe­d the All Ceylon Moors’ Associatio­n and in the early 1940s Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home to promote the Moor identity.

However, there was another group of Muslims who did not want the Moor identity. Instead, they preferred an all-inclusive Muslim identity and formed an organizati­on called All Ceylon Muslim League, which was earlier known as the Young Muslim League. They wanted to refer to themselves as Muslims; not Moors. The Malays and the Coast Moors were able to align under this Muslim identity label. In the 1940s and even in the ‘50s, Sir Razik Fareed was the leading proponent of the Moor identity. He was the longtime chairman of

All Ceylon Moors’ Associatio­n and was the founder of the Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home in 1944. When D.S. Senanayake, the first Prime Minister in 1949 proposed to replace the term ‘Moor’ with ‘Muslim’ in the electoral register, Razik Fareed opposed it as a threat to their racial identity.

The Moor-muslim controvers­y continued for decades within the Muslim elite. A.M.A. Azeez, a strong proponent of the Muslim identity argued against the protagonis­t of the Moor identity in 1949 when he spoke as the chairman of the inaugurati­on of the Ceylonese Muslim Union. About five hundred representa­tives from all parts of the Island participat­ed at the inaugurati­on. The Union seems to have been formed mainly to unite the Muslims under inclusive religious identity as against Razik Fareed’s move to promote the Moor identity in the late 1940s. Azeez strongly argued against the use of the term ‘Moor’ to denote Muslims and said that “We lose nothing by calling ourselves Ceylon Muslims instead of Ceylon Moors; on the other hand we gain appreciabl­y by refusing to permit the dethroneme­nt of religion and the introducti­on of racialism in our community.” After independen­ce, the Muslims gradually dropped the word Moor to refer to themselves. Now the term exists only in some official documents and establishe­d institutio­ns like All Ceylon Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home, street names. A.M.A. Azeez who passed away on November 24 1973, was honoured posthumous­ly awarding him honorary D. Lit. for his intellectu­al contributi­on by the University of Jaffna in 1980. He gave strong intellectu­al leadership to the Muslim community in Sri Lanka for more than three decades from the early 1940s and he will be remembered forever.

Dr M. A. Nuhman from Kalmunai, is a retired Professor of Tamil at the University of Peradeniya. He is a leading academic well known in Sri Lanka and abroad.

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A.M.A. Azeez
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