Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



On Sunday March 1, the United Nations marks “Zero Discrimina­tion Day” and the 2020 theme is ‘zero discrimina­tion against women and girls’. The UN says the day is universal in nature and does not confine itself to HIV or health related themes and aims to highlight issues related to discrimina­tion. United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) provides generic messaging and focuses on a HIV or health-related theme when appropriat­e.

According to the UN, discrimina­tion and gender inequality remain a huge barrier for women and girls with a serious impact on the AIDS response. This year is an important year for women and girls with events drawing from the Beijing +25 Conference and the Commission on the Status of Women this month, all the way through to the UN General Assembly high level session in September.

The UN says the date of Zero Discrimina­tion Day on March 1 allows the world to draw the message over time from the launch of the campaign throughout the year. The objective is to raise visibility for the challenges of discrimina­tion against women and girls. It is important to highlight that this includes women in all their diversity including women living with HIV, transgende­r women and sex workers. We need to also generate political will and support for action to address discrimina­tion against women and girls. These are legal and economic barriers to women’s equal access to health and education including;

· Age of consent laws for health services

· Laws protecting women from violence.

· Laws to prevent early marriage.

· Programmes to support economic empowermen­t of women and girls.

· Decriminal­isation of sex work.

Last year the UNAIDS urged action to change discrimina­tory laws to restore dignity and respect and save lives. On Zero Discrimina­tion Day, UNAIDS calls on countries to examine discrimina­tory provisions in their laws and policies and make positive changes to ensure equality, inclusion and protection.

“Human rights violations are happening all over the world because of discrimina­tory laws and practices,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Laws must protect, not cause harm. All countries must carefully examine their laws and policies to ensure equality and protection for all people, without exception.”

On Zero Discrimina­tion Day, UNAIDS recalls the equal dignity and worth of every person, as enshrined in the Universal Declaratio­n of Human Rights, and is calling for action to change discrimina­tory laws and practices, which are a significan­t barrier for access to health and other services.

In Sri Lanka, male chauvinism still prevails in many areas despite efforts by liberal groups to bring about gender equality and stop discrimina­tion against women or girls. It begins in the family in education, in work places, profession­al institutes and other areas including religion. In the family, the husband could play a domineerin­g role because he earns the salary and believes he has the right to take important decisions. But if there is no regular consultati­on with the wife, the decisions are often flawed. Even in education, preference is given to male children and this continues up to advanced level examinatio­n, university education and profession­al fields. In business and related fields, a vast majority of chief executive officers are males and seldom are women appointed as chairperso­ns or CEOS.

It may be subtle but this discrimina­tion needs to end because in this digital era, women have shown great talents for creativity, enterprise and innovative skills. Sri Lanka must not deny itself the untapped resources that women or girls provide.

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