Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Beating Dengue; a challenge that is not over yet!


Transmitte­d by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the viral fever dengue is a real menace that needs to be curbed at all cost.

While government health officials attribute this change to all the preventive mechanisms that were put in to play during recent times, they also laid special emphasis on the need to continue with these measures in order to forestall another possible outbreak that is looming around the corner; with the onset of next inter- monsoonal rain scheduled for October.

Therefore, while we bring you the gentle reminder that the battle against dengue is not over yet, here are a few important tips that would help keep you and family a safe distance away from dengue.

Keep your environmen­t always clean and make sure to clean your home garden at least once a week.

Ensure that cans, containers, empty tyres, coconut shells, yoghurt cups and any other object that sets a favourable atmosphere for mosquito breeding sites are removed your premises.

Most importantl­y, make sure that water does not accumulate in any such objects as mentioned above including in vases, roofs and gutters.

Maintain a good rapport with the Public Health Officer of the area and also if you suspect that there are dengue breeding mosquitoes in your area, bring it to the attention of the PHI immediatel­y. This will help in enabling facilities for fumigation in suspected areas following an inspection of such locations.

Segregated garbage should be disposed in a proper manner, bearing in mind that there is no avenue created to host favourable mosquito breeding grounds.

Use mosquito repellents.

Always try to wear protective clothing. Always sleep under a mosquito net.

If you suspect any of the following symptoms seek immediate medical advice.

Sudden onset of high fever

Pain behind the eyes

Muscle and joint pain

Red patches or skin rash that appears on the skin, two to three days after the onset of fever

Vomiting / nausea


While it is crucial to seek immediate medical advice if any of the above symptoms are observed, it also important to ensure that a full blood count is conducted for early diagnosis if the fever lasts for more than two days.

For early diagnosis, a dengue Antigen Test is also recommende­d following the onset of fever.

According to medical profession­als, a good intake of fluids along with the patients normal diet is recommende­d during the period of treatment.

Maintain body temperatur­e below 39 degrees Celsius.

Patients need to take a good rest during the recovery period.

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