Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

US does not need further lockdowns to control Covid-19


US, (DAILY MAIL), 19 JUNE 2020 - Top White House scientist Dr Anthony Fauci has said the US does not need further lockdowns to bring Covid-19 under control and is ‘optimistic’ about a vaccine soon.

‘I don’t think we’re going to be talking about going back to lockdown,’ he said when asked whether places like California and Texas that are seeing a surge in their caseload should reissue stay-athome orders.

‘I think we’re going to be talking about trying to better control those areas of the country that seem to be having a surge of cases.’

The US leads the world in the number of confirmed infections and in deaths, with the fatality toll approachin­g 120,000.

But while former epicenters New York and New Jersey have controlled their outbreaks, the virus is now increasing in 20 states - creating a plateau in the national case graph.

Fauci stressed a localized approach as the country returns to normal - including on the crucial question of when to reopen schools.

‘Counties where there are certainly no cases at all, there’s no problem with the schools opening,’ he said.

‘There are other parts where there’s a modest amount of infection (where) you may delay school openings.’ For those regions in between, ‘you want to make some modificati­on of the process, namely: alternate days, morning versus afternoon, seating people apart from each other wearing masks.’

On the question of re-opening the country’s borders, he struck a cautious note.

‘Obviously, there is an interest in getting back to some form of normality in our interactio­ns with other countries,’ he said, adding the topic was reviewed almost daily but refusing to give a timeline.

The 79-year-old has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, and has overseen the nation’s response to every epidemic from HIV onward.

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