Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

APHNH reiterates healthcare worker safety is patient safety


▪ „Raises awareness about importance of health worker safety and its interlinka­ges with patient safety

▪ „Details global and local guidelines for health worker protection

▪ „Discusses actions taken to invest in health worker protection

▪ „Provides due recognitio­n of health workers’ dedication and hard work, particular­ly amid fight against COVID-19

In commemorat­ion of World Patient Safety Day, The Associatio­n of Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes (APHNH) recognized that healthcare worker protection has been integral to ensuring patient safety during the pandemic.

In keeping with the trajectory of this year, the theme for World Patient Safety Day was ‘Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety.’

Healthcare institutio­ns internatio­nally focused on the interlinka­ge between healthcare worker safety and patient safety and discussed initiative­s used to protect frontline workers world over.

“Sri Lanka has had one of the most successful COVID19 responses in the world, with only 236 active cases as of 16 September 2020. The key to this resounding success was keeping the men and women in the frontlines of this crisis safe,” said APHNH President Dr. Lakith Peiris.

“Going forward, I would like to see greater investment in the well-being of our medical staff. The role they play in this economy and to society has been largely overlooked.”

During the ongoing pandemic, health workers faced the most significan­t threat through increased exposure. Globally, it is reported that 55 percent of COVID-19 related healthcare worker deaths were of doctors and physicians, particular­ly primary care physicians (American Board of Family Medicine, 2020).

In recognizin­g that front-line health workers faced the greatest risk, Dr. Peiris affirmed that the

Associatio­n and its members made it a priority to follow COVID-19 precaution­s and operationa­l guidelines.

The World Health Organizati­on (WHO) operationa­l guidelines for maintainin­g essential health services during COVID-19 stated that countries have to comply with the highest standard of precaution­s. At a fundamenta­l level, this included frequent sterilizat­ion, strict protocols for the donning and doffing of PPE, and the selfisolat­ion of HCW to ensure their safety.

Subsequent­ly in Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Health directives laid out stringent regulation­s that APHNH member hospitals and nursing homes abided by. In addition to WHO hygiene practices, hospitals made it a priority to triage and isolate patients and visitors.

Additional­ly, APHNH member hospitals and nursing homes proactivel­y added precaution­ary measures as necessary. Notably, in most hospitals, daily internal sanitation audits were conducted, and batch rotation was introduced to minimize the risk of exposure.

Beyond these foundation­s, APHNH hospitals recognized that a concerted effort to keep health workers safe would also have to include medical process reengineer­ing. To keep doctors and physicians safe, non-emergency surgeries were only performed if the patient had tested negative for COVID-19.

Additional­ly, clinical practices like emergency intubation­s were carried out in isolated areas, and advanced ultraviole­t air sterilizat­ion was introduced to ensure that nurses and doctors would not be in immediate danger.

APHNH recognizes that these additional precaution­ary measures practices helped minimize the exposure of their health workers to the Coronaviru­s.

“Our strict and thorough precaution­s were a testament to our commitment to protecting employees and patients, which, so far, we have done successful­ly. The pandemic, if nothing else, drove innovation in the health sector,” said Dr. Peiris.

“The best defense against any outbreak is a healthy medical workforce. We need to keep investing in health worker safety, and the lessons we learned will be useful if there is ever another crisis of this nature. Keeping our healthcare workers safe is the least we can do after the enormous sacrifices they have made for our country.”

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