Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

India registers highest Covid death toll yesterday


PA RIS A FP O C T9, 2020- The novel coronaviru­s has killed at least 1,063,346 people since late last year, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1100 GMT on Friday.

More than 36,595,740 cases of coronaviru­s have been registered worldwide. Of these, at least 25,332,900 are now considered recovered.

The countries with the most new deaths were India with 964, followed by the United States with 938 and Brazil with 729.

The US remains the worst-hit country with 212,789 deaths from 7,607,848 cases, while at least 3,021,252 people have been declared recovered.

The next hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 148,957 deaths from

The US remains the worst-hit country with 212,789 deaths from 7,607,848 cases, while at least 3,021,252 people have been declared recovered

5,028,444 cases, India with 106,490 deaths from 6,906,151 cases, Mexico with 83,096 deaths from 804,488 cases, and Britain with 42,592 deaths from 561,815 cases.

On Thursday,6,408 new deaths and 355,735 new cases were recorded worldwide. Asia has reported 149,446 deaths from 8,943,604 cases.

The tallies, reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections.

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