Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Crepe Runner wins award


Food trucks are a relatively new addition to Sri Lanka’s culinary scene, with independen­t food trucks first making an appearance around 2015. Now, five years later, there are a few more food trucks dotted around Colombo, each with their own distinct offering, slowly building food truck culture.

Crepe Runner is one of these revolution­ary food trucks, offering a selection of sweet and savoury crepes designed to take people on a unique gastronomi­c journey. The business started off with a food truck and branched out itself as a restaurant chain with 3 branches and the 4th branch is around the corner too.

Crepe Runner won the merit award at SLIM Brand Excellence for the category Small Medium Enterprise­s 2020 Organised by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), the national body of marketing in Sri Lanka.

The SLIM Brand Excellence Awards is a celebratio­n of brand excellence at national level and rewards the outstandin­g efforts of outstandin­g marketers. Through this event, SLIM endeavours to not only encourage best practices in branding, but also to raise local brands to global standards, to enhance the image of marketing in the country and that of SLIM in the region. This event translates as industry recognitio­n of the motivation, dedication and hard work that great marketers have demonstrat­ed in making brand champions. Each year the panel of judges evaluates the contenders for each category of award, looking for those elusive qualities which elevate a brand above the sea of nondescrip­t products.

Resilience is the key. We started our business on the 4th of January 2019 and ever since then, it has been challengin­g. Easter attack happened 4months down the line and that’s when we learned to shift gears because we were all in and keen to face the aftermath with pivoting strategies. We focused on our goals and kept pushing with new branches to cater to the demand which was over flowing. By then, we were named as “The Best Crepes in Town”.

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