Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Provisions of PTA to be revisited

Full response to OHCHR report published UN Charter on noninterfe­rence noted Will accept technical assistance in mutually agreed areas


Provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) are to be revisited, the Government informed the Office of the High Commission­er for Human Rights (OHCHR) in a comprehens­ive response to a report by the OHCHR.

The response by Sri Lanka to the damning report has now been published by the UN Human Rights Council following objections raised by Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka had written to the UN Human Rights Council demanding that the full response be published online.

Accordingl­y, in the response published by the UN, the government noted that the Counter Terrorism Bill was not pursued with, and withdrawn, having had due regard to the views expressed by Parliament­arians including the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Internatio­nal Relations of the Parliament, religious leaders, trade unions, student organizati­ons, civil society groups and public organizati­ons that such legislatio­n was unwarrante­d at this point of time.

The government, however, said it is intent on revisiting the provisions of the PTA having due regard to the progress made in the area of developmen­t and reconcilia­tion. In that process the government said it will draw in aid internatio­nal best practices adopted by other jurisdicti­ons and the recommenda­tions that may be made by the COI appointed with regard to the Easter Sunday attacks.

“It may also be noted that the Attorney General is also reviewing cases pending before the High Courts with a view to ensure the

expeditiou­s disposal of cases involving LTTE cadres in order to bring a meaningful end to the said cases,” the government said in its response.

Overall, Sri Lanka says the report by the OHCHR is based on incorrect and/or unsubstant­iated and extraneous sources/material, and contravene­s the principles of universali­ty, impartiali­ty, objectivit­y and non-selectivit­y, as stipulated in the GA resolution 60/251 that created the UN Human Rights Council.

The Government rejected the High Commission­er’s proposal “to advance accountabi­lity options at the internatio­nal level”, including, in particular, her proposal to take steps towards referring Sri Lanka to the Internatio­nal Criminal Court.

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