Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Jeevani Pereira

Ever since Malee could remember, the old, gray haired Aththamma came to their house a week before the New Year, and made the most delicious Avurudhu sweets for their household.

She would stay on to celebrate Avurudhu with them as she had no family of her own.

Malee’s mother told stories of how Aththamma came to her house when she was a little girl for the same reason.

“Did she make amazing Kevum and Aasmi when you were small too?” Malee’s little brother asked. Mother nodded her head with a smile on her lips. “And this year I thought we could surprise Aththamma for all the help she has given us for so many years,” she said.

“Ooh! What’s the surprise?”

Malee asked excitedly. When Mother told them what she was going to do, the children jumped up and down in joy. They were asked to keep it a secret till the time was right.

Malee and her brother sat in the kitchen for the next few days, watching Aththamma cook. They whispered to each other and giggled in the corner, which made the old lady wonder what was going on.

But the children managed to keep a straight face and look quite serious when she asked them what they were whispering about, and Malee’s brother quickly changed the subject, to what Aththamma was cooking.

The old lady loved to show them how she made everything and did not stop them when they reached out to eat one or two of the sweetmeats. They watched as she cleverly made perfect little mounds on top of the ‘Kondey Kavums’, using just a small stick and turning it around the dough that was frying in oil. They helped her squeeze the string hopper mold to make the stringy Aasmees and helped to find the ‘Kenda’ leaf to steam the sweet and coconutty ‘Thalapa’ in.

The house was filled with wonderful smells of honey and roasting rice flour. When the auspicious time arrived with the dawn of Avurudhu, Aththamma, clad in a new colourful sari stood by the kitchen doorway as was her usual practice, as Malee, her brother, mother and father gathered at the table that was filled with the wonderful food and sweetmeats that the old lady had helped prepare.

As the sound of crackers filled the air, Malee’s father cleared his throat and said: “Every single year Aththamma stands in that corner waiting for us to begin the New Year with all she has prepared. This year we want to say a special Thank You to her and get her to open the Avurudhu table for us!”

Malee and her brother had waited all week to see the look on Aththamma’s face. They dragged her by her hands and brought her to the table. There were tears glistening in her eyes.“hope you like your surprise!” the children yelled.

With the biggest smile on her face she nodded her head and took the first piece of Kiribath off the table and had a small bite. Everyone cheered and clapped. “Thank you so much for making me feel a part of your family! This is the best Avurudhu I’ve ever had,” she said as the children hugged her tight.

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