Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



All of us have been guilty of putting off a task at some point in our lives. However, when this type of behaviour becomes a frequent occurrence it starts to hinder our productivi­ty and efficiency. A common trait amongst most procrastin­ators is difficulty implementi­ng self-control, resulting in them delaying tasks that are complex in nature. This behaviour tends to result in them experienci­ng a myriad of negative emotions such as stress as a result of not leaving themselves enough time to complete their work, anger at themselves for not learning from past mistakes, and shame as a result of not maximising their potential.

Self-deception is also very common amongst those who procrastin­ate. They are often aware of the toll their bad time management skills takes on them, however they tend to prefer facing those consequenc­es over putting in the effort to change their learned habits. They rely on the belief that they will be able to complete the task at hand at a later point, despite being aware of the pressure that they will be putting themselves under.

Another interestin­g factor in understand­ing the mind of a procrastin­ator is recognisin­g that procrastin­ators tend to be perfection­ists. Even the smallest task may appear mammoth to them, and it may thus make more psychologi­cal sense for them to not deal with the problem instead of facing the possibilit­y of not doing the task well. Procrastin­ators tend to be worried about how other people may perceive them and their work, and as a result they delay their work for as long as possible to avoid facing this judgment. As a result, they continue to carry out this selfdefeat­ing behaviour in order to feel protected against their negative emotions.

Other factors that may lead to procrastin­ators delaying their tasks include believing that that they will not enjoy them and thus make themselves unhappy, or simply, confusion at the complexity of the task at hand. Research also suggests that apart from perfection­ism, procrastin­ators may suffer with low self-confidence, anxiety, a lack of structure, and fixation on negative thought processes. Furthermor­e, procrastin­ators tend to avoid making important decisions, so as not to be burdened with responsibi­lity for the outcome of the said decision.

Many procrastin­ators tend to claim that they work better under pressure, however existing literature suggests that this is not the case. Rather, research shows that procrastin­ators will continue to leave their tasks till the last minute in order to experience the satisfacti­on of overcoming the odds against them. They tend to frequently carry out a process known as affective forecastin­g, wherein they avoiding feeling bad about not having completed a task one day, by completing it the next day. In this manner they trap themselves in an unhealthy cycle of putting off work for later, until they become accustomed to working under high stress and producing large amounts of output in short time frames.

Research also suggests that procrastin­ators adhere to a different value system than those who don’t procrastin­ate. They tend to value personal enjoyment above strong work ethic in both academics and careers, and prioritise tasks they enjoy over those assigned to them. Procrastin­ation is also a relatively common occurrence in teenagers, and this behaviour may be a sign of passive resistance to parental authority.

The consequenc­es of frequent procrastin­ation include a reduced quality of work, insomnia, gastrointe­stinal disturbanc­e, hypertensi­on, cardiovasc­ular disease, and unstable personal and profession­al relationsh­ips. This is because individual­s who procrastin­ate are more likely to put off visits to the doctor, avoid committing to healthy eating and self-care, and fail to value other peoples’ time. Procrastin­ators are also at a higher risk of developing depression due to their tendency to carry out avoidance and rumination behaviours.

“Many procrastin­ators tend to claim that they work better under pressure, however existing literature suggests that this is not the case”

Fortunatel­y, procrastin­ation does not have to be a lifelong habit. It is possible to overcome such behaviours through cognitive behavioura­l therapy, building timelines that include time for delay, challengin­g or incentivis­ing yourself to complete a task by a certain date, breaking a large task down into several more manageable tasks, and limiting the time you spend on social media or other distractor­s. Procrastin­ators can also overcome their struggles with decision making by sticking to a set of personal decision-making rules, or outsourcin­g decisions to a trusted third party in the case that they are unable to decide. It is vital that procrastin­ators realize the burden they are putting on their future selves by delaying tasks unnecessar­ily, and that they thus make the necessary efforts to change these behaviours.

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