Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


Rules explained by Venkatesa Rules in a nutshell by B.V. Raman

- By A.S. Fernando

We have discussed Balarishta yogas in two previous articles. Just as there are Arishta or malefic yogas, there are Arishta-bhanga yogas as well. For instance, though there are Kuja Doshes (blemishes caused by Mars) and Kalasarpa yogas generated by certain planetary positions, there are Kuja Doshabhang­a yogas and Kalasarpab­hanga yogas. This astrologic­al principle holds true for Balarishta yogas as well.

In this context, readers will realize that a discussion on Balarishta is not complete without a discourse on Balarishta­bhanga yogas. We in this article propose to dwell on Balarishta­bhanga yogas enunciated by Indian sage Venkatesa in his classical work Sarvarta Chintamani.

Balarishta­bhanga yogas or planetary combinatio­ns and positions nullifying Balarishta in a Natal Chart according to Venkatesa are as follows:

„Jupiter occupying the Lagna or

the first House „Lagnadhipa­ti strengthen­ed by aspects of or/and associatio­n with benefics in quadrants (Kendrastha­nas) who are not afflicted either by aspect of or conjunctio­n with malefics „Moon is in a benefic sign or Navamsa aspected by Jupiter or the Full Moon under the aspect of Jupiter

„Benefics in quadrants without the

aspect of malefics

„The lord of the Moon sign is in

a quadrant with benefic aspects „Rahu occupying the 3rd, 6th or 11th without malefic conjunctio­n or aspects, but with benefic aspects would protect the child from all evils just like a strong gust of wind blows away a wisp of cotton. „Even a weak Moon occupying beneficial Vargas (Divisions) and receiving benefic aspects would protect the child just like pomegranat­e (Delum) juice would protect one from bowel disorders „An exalted Moon in a friendly Rashi or Navamsa or in her own Navamsa and Vargas will dispel malefic influences visiting a childlike like the rays of the Sun evaporate a dew on a blade of grass

„A full Moon in as benefic Rashi or Navamsa receiving the aspect of benefics would protect a children like Garuda (a holy bird in Hindu mythology) would protect one from serpents.


Balarishta yogas referred to in classical astrologic­al works do not always in all cases result in death. Balarishta also can mean a serious health problem that a child is subject to.

According to renowned Indian astrologer and writer on astrology E.S. Neelakanth­an the rules in Astrology are not determinis­tic (the final word on a given subject). He says that most planetary affliction­s can, not only be mitigated but also wholly eliminated enabling the native to lead a full life.


For the benefit of our readership, we wish to quote a relating to Balarishta and the answer that comes in ‘A Catechism of Astrology ‘ authored by great Indian Jyotish Gurudev Dr. B.V. Raman : “Q: There are many Balarishta yogas which are impossible to keep in memory for an ordinary astrologer. Is there any simple rule for finding out the same?


(a) Look at the Moon and Jupiter. If they are in undesirabl­e positions, there is Balarishta

(b) If Lagna is afflicted, there is Balarishta

© If the 6th, 8th, and the 12th are occupied by malefics, there is Balarishta.

 ??  ?? DM Astro 181
A full Moon in as benefic Rashi or Navamsa receiving the aspect of benefics would protect a children like Garuda (a holy bird in Hindu mythology) would protect one from serpents.
DM Astro 181 A full Moon in as benefic Rashi or Navamsa receiving the aspect of benefics would protect a children like Garuda (a holy bird in Hindu mythology) would protect one from serpents.

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