Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


■ Congenital defects and deformitie­s ■ Diseased organs ■ Being condemned to perpetual misery or a solitary life

- By A.S. Fernando

We all are keen on knowing what the future holds in store for those near and dear to us. However, it goes without saying that one would be more interested in knowing one’s own future. After all, we being ordinary mundane human beings self comes first. Besides, it would do well for one to know one’s own future before finding out that of others. We propose to acquaint our readers with the planetary combinatio­ns that account for certain congenital defects and deformitie­s of a native which have a life-long impact on his career and lifestyle.

Following are some planetary combinatio­ns that cause the native a pronounced physical or mental defect or other infirmity which would come in the way of leading a normal life or enjoying a normal life span.

■ „If born into Cancer Lagna when the Moon is receiving the malefic aspect of both Saturn and Mars, the native would be a hunchback.

■ „If born into Leo Lagna when it is aspected by Saturn and Mars, the native would be a blind person.

„■ If Mars and Venus occupy the 7th House while being aspected by a malefic at birth, the native would suffer from a diseased kidney. He would come to an early death after a period of suffering from kidney and bladder troubles.

■ „If born when the Moon hemmed in by Saturn and Mars is posited in the 7th House, the native would suffer from Leukoderma. Native would suffer from skin disease even if the full Moon is placed between Saturn and Mars.

■ „If the birth occurs when the Moon is in the 10th House, Mars is in the 7th and Saturn is in the 2nd sign from the Sun, the native would have deformed limbs.

■ „If born when the Moon is in Aries, Cancer or Leo Navamsa of the Sagittariu­s sign with either Mars or Saturn or while being aspected by one of them the native would be a leper.

„■ If born when the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Saturn are posited in the 2nd, 8th, 6th, and the 12th Houses the native would go blind.

■ „If the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Saturn occupy the 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th Houses respective­ly at birth the native would be a deaf person.

■ „If Mars and Saturn are posited in the 9th house when an eclipsed Sun is in the Lagna. The native would be blind at birth. „Jupiter in the Lagna and Mars in the 7th House make the native go insane.

■ „If the Sun posited either in the 5th or the 9th is aspected by malefics, the native would suffer from defective vision.

■ „If Rahu is posited in the Lagna and the Moon is in the 6th at birth, the native would be an epileptic.

■ „If Rahu is posited in the Lagna and Saturn is in the 6th at birth, the native would be an epileptic.

■ „If born into Leo Lagna which is aspected by Venus, the native would suffer from eye disease.

■ „If Venus is posited in the 7th when Jupiter, the Sun, Mars, and Rahu occupy the Houses ruled by malefics, the native would wallow in perpetual misery. „Those born when malefics occupy the four quadrants and the 2nd House, would eke out their living by begging even if born into a rich family.

„■ If born when malefics are posited in the Lagna, the 7th and the 12th and benefics are placed in the 2nd, the native would have no friends and associates and would be compelled to lead a solitary life.

■ „If all planets are posited in the 6th, 8th, and the 12th the native would suffer from want, though he is highly respected where he is.

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