Living (Sri Lanka)

Curb those cravings

- BY Andrea Melisa Gayan Perera PICP strength coach and sports nutrition specialist

The craving for food is something most of us battle with from time to time… some more than others! PICP strength coach and sports nutrition specialist Gayan Perera helps us understand the deal behind cravings and how we can fight them…

Q: Are food cravings real? Or are they only in the mind?

A: Food cravings in the context of addiction is a myth. You can become addicted to eating in general but not to a certain type of food. People often crave sweet and salty foods but rarely sour, bitter or umami foods. That’s simply because you like certain types of food better than others and want to eat a lot of it more often.

Q: Does stress contribute to food cravings? A: Yes, stress can definitely contribute to cravings and people tend to self-medicate on comfort food, which is usually low in protein, and high in carbs, fat and calorific value.

Q: How does one deal with cravings? A: There are five ways in which to deal with cravings.

Eat more protein, as it reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Drink more water since thirst is often confused with hunger – so by drinking water 15 to 20 minutes before a meal, you will consume less calories.

Avoid stocking up on junk food at home. Get sufficient sleep; because people who haven’t had enough sleep are more likely to consume high calorie food the next day.

Always prepare meals in advance. You don’t make the best decisions when you’re hungry and if you have to choose between cooking a healthy meal or ordering a pizza, the latter always wins!

Q: What foods are best to fight sweet cravings?

A: Eating fruits a few times a day reduces a lot of these cravings. Fruits taste great and are quite filling despite having fewer calories. They’re also packed with micronutri­ents.

Q: Is it all right to drink juice to resist sweet cravings?

A: Fruit juices are high in sugar and calories. Drinking fruit juice to reduce cravings is basically replacing one high calorie food with another. Eating fresh fruits is a much better option.

Q: Any words of advice for our readers…? A: The best way to kill a craving is to starve it and not give in to the desire – it ultimately boils down to self-discipline.

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