Living (Sri Lanka)

Workout focus

- BY Ruwandi Perera

Being fit, slim and strong is everyone’s dream; but working out is a nightmare for many of us. Moments of feeling lazy, tired or sleepy overcome even gym fanatics when they’re planning to work out. And for some, it’s the hassle of going to the gym, changing from office wear to gym clothes or juggling work schedules with domestic chores. So how do we get some exercise throughout the day… without working out as such?

Doctors recommend we do a minimum of 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every week – that’s about five sessions of 30 minutes. Sounds easy? Well, it’s not… if you don’t make an effort regularly!

We are also advised to walk 10,000 steps a day (about five miles) but unfortunat­ely, a majority of people who live the ‘bed-home-office-home-bed’ routine take only about 4,000 steps a day.

So small bouts of exercise whenever possible is highly recommende­d because every little bit helps. If you think about it, we spend a lot of time being stationary – in the car or lift, at meetings or our desk, in front of the TV, in a queue at the supermarke­t or waiting to hail a cab.

It may sound rather silly at first but we can increase our movements even while sitting or standing.

Moving your weight from side to side rhythmical­ly while standing, doing simple stretches while sitting, parking your car a short distance away or simply walking around the house during advertisem­ents while watching TV can add to your daily activity.

So commit to staying fit – one small move at a time…

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