Living (Sri Lanka)

Tracy Holsinger

Tracy Holsinger is a theatre director, actor and teacher

- – Compiled by Ashwini Vethakan

Favourite Things

Q: What’s your favourite place to eat at?

A: Cafe Japan

Q: Your favourite attire is...

A: A sarong and T-shirt

Q: And your favourite cocktail or beverage…

A: Tequila

Q: What’s your all-time favourite play and why?

A: Paraya (by Arun Welandawe-Prematille­ke). It was created by a group of us whom I consider my artistic family – and it speaks to our personal philosophi­es and politics

Stuff of Dreams

Q: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

A: Flying

Q: Describe your dream holiday… A: Hiking in the mountains anywhere in the world – with lots of forests, a lake or river and caves

Q: Which fictional character would you be most excited to meet in real life?

A: The Time Lords (in Doctor Who)

Q: If you could be from any other decade or era, which would it be?

A: I’d like to be from the era that provides commercial space travel

Q: What are you most passionate about and why?

A: Accepting change, taking leaps of faith and understand­ing different perspectiv­es – because life is about evolution

This and That

Q: Three words that best describes you...

A: Dreamer, leftist and libertaria­n

Q: What would be a good theme song for your life?

A: Unfinished Sympathy ( by Massive Attack)

Q: The last gift you gave someone was...

A: A book

Q: Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?

A: ‘Explorer’ would be an option I’d prefer

Q: Three things you’d be lost without...

A: Eyeliner, phone and headset

Q: Tell us about the best piece of advice you’ve received...

A: ‘Water play will always diffuse a tantrum’

Q: What’s your biggest peeve? A: People who eat noisily

Q: If you could have three people (dead or alive) over to dinner, who would they be?

A: Queen Anula, Janelle

Monáe and Aphra Behn

Q: What’s the best thing about being on stage?

A: Connecting with the audience

Q: Who would play you in the movie of your life? A: Tehani Chitty

Q: What would you like life to be in 20 years?

A: Quiet

Q: A little-known fact about you…

A: I collect driftwood

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 ??  ?? From a series titled ‘The Bed’ – by Olivia Bonnal Sansoni
From a series titled ‘The Bed’ – by Olivia Bonnal Sansoni

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