Living (Sri Lanka)

Asanka De Mel

- PROFILED BY Savithri Rodrigo

He brought pizzazz to the Sri Lankan sarong not to mention a modicum of practicali­ty with a pocket on the side for wallets, phones and keys. Asanka De Mel is the man behind LOVI, a Sri Lankan brand now traversing the globe in all its splendour. LOVI sarongs, shirts, shoes and scarves are seen adorning Parisian ramps, as well as Colombo Fashion Week (CFW) catwalks, posing for selfies at touristy landmarks, hurrying on a London street, relaxing on a California beach, giving bridegroom­s some extra oomph and becoming a page-turner in the fashion glossies.

Asanka is functional­ly a techie. Having armed himself with degrees in technology and public policy, he worked for years in Silicon Valley before heeding that reverberat­ing call to return home.

But he didn’t come home empty-handed…

He’s always been fascinated with the demonstrat­ion of skill and together with his love for well-made timeless clothing, De Mel embraced the idea of developing a Sri Lankan brand on the premise that his fellow islanders deserve to wear world-class clothes.

But Asanka pushed that up a notch when he yearned for clothing that would express national identity and articulate the unity of this country and this saw him plunge headfirst into the design studio to live his dream.

Married to Marguerite and enjoying being a dad to their two-year-old son Leo, Asanka is a people person and there’s nothing he likes better than seeing folks enjoying themselves. As CEO and Chief Designer for LOVI, De Mel’s days may be long or short but his work ethic is about working hard.

Certainly, it’s not easy running a design studio, adding on accessorie­s to heritage pieces and managing three retail stores. In spite of all this work, he still manages to find time to be rowdy and do ‘guy things’ with Leo, while adding lots of cuddles and kisses in-between.

No doubt Marguerite’s biggest worry is keeping her boys from being too rowdy!

Innovate what we wear, go easier on the planet and add happiness to our day

Q: What spurred the career move from tech to designing sarongs? A: I’m so lucky to be doing what I love. I think the ultimate mission of tech, as well as fashion, is to make life better. Innovate what we wear, go easier on the planet and add happiness to our day.

Q: Why the name ‘LOVI’?

A: My wife was studying fruit vocabulary in Sinhala while I was thinking of names for the new brand. There was my childhood nostalgia for achcharu plus lovi, which sounds like ‘love.’ What’s better than that?

Q: Why did you expand your range from your signature sarong? A: LOVI is about all kinds of sarongs; its versatilit­y covers various occasions from the beach to a wedding, and to the office and the red carpet. Realising that there was a shortage of items to complete the look, we added shirts, shoes, scarves, jackets and accessorie­s.

Q: What’s been your ‘aha’ moment? A: Coming back home to understand fully that Sri Lankans are yearning for a new identity one that is ambitious and optimistic… and yet, rooted in and respectful of our values. I also realised how much Sri Lankans are eager to share their heritage with the world.

Q: And your biggest thrill is when... A: The moment someone beams as they try on LOVI.

Q: Tell us about your ideal workday...

A: An ideal day begins with a run, then into the studio with the team, visit the stores and meet clients later, dinner with family and friends.

Q: And what’s the weekend like? A: A little more time with my son Leo and wife Marguerite. Mostly being rowdy, going on walks and playing with him. And with her, it’s watching movies, reading and reimaginin­g the world.

Q: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

A: I would love to be a triathlete because it would be incredible to be in that kind of physical shape.

Q: How has life been since the birth of Leo?

A: I feel so blessed. He’s so much fun and it’s difficult for me to leave the house because I want to play with him. I have newfound respect for my parents in fact, all parents… for the effort they put in to raise a child.

Q: What’s your biggest hope for him?

A: As Oprah Winfrey said, “your purpose in life is to live out the highest expression of yourself as a human being. Max out your humanity.”

Q: Are you a hands-on daddy? A: If that means baths, dirty diapers, messy feeding, and endless tickles and kisses, then yes I am.

Q: What’s your personal style? A: Sarongs LOVI style.

Q: So do you insist on wearing LOVI all the time?

A: I do. My wife laughs at me when I ask her what I should wear. The effort I need to put in only revolves around colour coordinati­on.

Q: Who’s the celebrity you would like to see wearing LOVI? A: George Clooney or Tom Cruise.

Q: Name three things you can’t do without...

A: Phone, wallet and keys. Coincident­ally, all three fit in a LOVI sarong pocket.

Q: What do you miss the most about your tech days?

A: The passionate, ambitious, hardworkin­g people in tech who want to make a difference. I don’t get to see them as much since my San Francisco days.

Q: And what defines you?

A: The gratitude and faith I have for the wonderful charmed life I live. And these days, it includes a two-year-old baby boy who has discovered running.

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