Living (Sri Lanka)

Now or newbie

- BY Andrea Melisa Isuru Fonseka CEO and Founder of

So finally, you’ve decided to act on that fitness resolution? Well it’s about time! Incorporat­ing fitness into your lifestyle can do wonders for your physical and mental health – regardless of age, shape or size. And it’s never too late to start! Here are some tips that may come in handy for those of you looking to join a gym or simply get fit. We spoke to Isuru Fonseka about fitness and here’s what he had to say to the beginners out there.

Q: How often should a beginner exercise?

A: Working out twice or three times a week is a good start for a beginner.

Q: What’s the ideal frequency to exercise in the gym?

A: It’s good to incorporat­e at least one gym session in a weekly workout schedule.

Q: And what’s the most common ‘exercise mistake’ that people make?

A: Not using their core – and compensati­ng by using their back and ‘traps’ instead.

Q: The standard gym starter pack contains...

A: A bottle of water, a towel, workout gloves, trainers and yourself!

Q: How does one stay motivated – especially if there’s no visible progress? A: Setting small goals helps because you will feel and see minor results before reaching your major goals. That way, you won’t be discourage­d.

Q: So what’s the best workout plan to follow? A: If you’re a beginner, it’s wise to speak to a personal trainer. Prepare a customised schedule once you’ve discussed your goals.

Q: How important is one’s diet for body transforma­tion?

A: No amount of working out will give you desirable results unless it’s paired with the right nutrition.

Q: Any exercise tips…? A: Consistenc­y is the key.

Q: Some words of wisdom for beginners...

A: Every profession­al was once a beginner. Start somewhere and see it through without giving up; and before you know it, you’ll begin to see and enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.

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