Living (Sri Lanka)




110g butter 100g flour 4 eggs 1 cardamom 1g baking soda 1g baking powder 25g icing sugar 105g sugar 20 ml water 10g gelatine 60g curd 45g whipped cream 85g eggfruit puree


BISCUIT LAYER Begin by preparing the biscuit layer for which you will need to mix 75g of butter with the icing sugar. Add two beaten egg whites to the mixture and gradually add the flour, cardamom, baking soda and baking powder. Mix it well and fold the dough by using your hands. Bake at 120°C for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

EGGFRUIT MOUSSE Beat a whole egg with two egg yolks in a mixing bowl. Boil 70g of sugar and water in a pan until it bubbles at a temperatur­e of 120°C. Slowly add the egg mixture to the boiling sugar solution until it doubles in volume. Pour in 8g of gelatine and let it cool. Then add the curd and 45g of eggfruit puree, fold in the whipped cream and set it in the chiller for six hours.

EGGFRUIT CURD The final step is to prepare the eggfruit curd. Cook the remaining egg fruit puree, sugar and butter in a pan. Once it boils, add the last egg and stir well until the concoction thickens. Add the gelatine and let it cool.

To assemble the dish, spread the biscuit mixture on the base of the mould and pour the eggfruit mousse onto the biscuit layer. Place the mould in the chiller until the mousse has set. Finally, pour the eggfruit curd onto the mousse cake and serve it.

TIP This eggfruit curd cake recipe serves eight and is prepared with readily available local ingredient­s.

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