Living (Sri Lanka)


Influencer orbit


‘All for the Gram’ is the infamous line from Arizona Zervas’ 2019 hit Roxanne. And guess what, his line is as relevant today as it was in the comic pop song. The ubiquity of social media has had a profound effect on the way we communicat­e, and it’s critically important to society and business.

Its tools have helped break down geographic­al barriers that once restricted communicat­ion and have led to an explosion of electronic participat­ion, virtual presence and online communitie­s. Profession­al benefits of social media include sharing informatio­n and publicity, as well as giving and receiving support and advice.

We live in a day and age where our perception of what we want outweighs what we need. Such is the power in showcasing the perfect selfie. All it takes is for an influencer to recommend a special herbal tea or the ideal holiday destinatio­n and voila, you instantly crave the same – virtually so!

But who are influencer­s? What do they gain by promoting content? How do businesses commission these personalit­ies for their promotions, and what does the future of communicat­ion and marketing look like… with the help of social media and influencer­s?

Ashwini Vethakan breaks down the good, the bad and the ugly of this complex platform and its microceleb­rities, and reaches out to some of Colombo’s popular influencer­s for their views on the use of social media and its target markets.

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