Living (Sri Lanka)


DIY haircare


Whether its damaged, dry, flaky, frizzy or fading, we’re all familiar with hair issues. The change in our island’s weather, indoor heat, outdoor elements and hot hair tools are only some of the culprits that can cause these changes. If you’re reading this, it’s probably time you set aside an evening to pamper yourself and show your hair some TLC.

To help you plan your night of slathering and lathering, we’ve put together our five favourite DIY hair masks and hair treatments for you to try. Pour yourself a glass of wine, queue up your Netflix and get ready for healthy hair!

1 DRY OR DAMAGED HAIR You’ll need the flesh of one ripe avocado, and two tablespoon­s each of olive oil and honey. Blend the ingredient­s in a food processor or beat them with a hand mixer until smooth.

Spread the mask onto damp hair, focussing on the ends. Feel free to rub it in a little. Use a clip to pull hair into a bun on top of your head, and put on a shower cap. Heat your hair by blow-drying for 15 minutes (alternativ­ely, you can sit in the sun for around 30 minutes). Rinse and wash your hair as usual.

2 HAIR CONDITIONE­R Combine half of a large sweet potato (cooked and mashed), three tablespoon­s of honey and a quarter cup of plain yoghurt.

Simply apply the mixture to damp hair. Put on a plastic shower cap and wait 20 minutes before rinsing off with tepid water.

3 RESTORATIO­N MASK Use one ripe banana and a tablespoon of olive oil for this mask. Blend or mash the banana into a lump free puree. Add the olive oil and continue blending. The result should be a creamy frothy hair mask. Apply the mask onto wet hair as well as the scalp. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

4 DETANGLING SMOOTHIE Combine the flesh of one and a half avocados, two tablespoon­s of honey, the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoon­s of olive oil and a few drops of lavender or orange essential oil.

Blend the concoction for 10-30 seconds until smooth, then apply it on your hair from root to tip. Leave it covered with a shower cap for 45 minutes, then rinse out and voila: super-shiny locks!

5 NO FRIZZ MASK Simply mix one cup of yoghurt with a tablespoon of olive oil to add more shine and sleekness to the strands. Apply the mixture to the hair for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

6 GREASY SCALP Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of honey (this is used as a binding agent, and to keep the moisture from being stripped from the hair and scalp). Put the mixture into a spray bottle and mist onto the hair. Wait 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

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