Living (Sri Lanka)

This and That


Q: Tell us about your greatest passions...

A: Bringing to life stories that give meaning and introspect­ion to our human experience, through music, drama or any form of art

Q: Which three words would best describe you?

A: Empathetic, free spirited and clumsy

Q: Do you favour dresses or pants...? A: Pants

Q: What would you say is your weirdest quirk?

A: Washing my hands anywhere, anytime – this has been going on in my life from pre-pandemic times.

Q: And what is the best piece of advice you’ve received...? A: Be true to yourself

Q: Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer? A: A combinatio­n of both

Q: Dress up or dress down?

A: Dress down – though the pandemic has made me miss dressing up

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