Living (Sri Lanka)



Q: Your most memorable moment so far…

A: I think it was a visit to Scotland with my grandparen­ts. It was one of the last trips I had with my grandfathe­r; and to me, it was one of the most unforgetta­ble. He was ex-military – so we travelled all the way to Scotland to watch the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

That was an amazing show and it felt like time had stood still. The look on my grandfathe­r’s face was one of pure admiration. It’s definitely an event I wish I could experience again.

Q: Things you’ve learned by working as a fashion model… A: Always be punctual and neat! It’s extremely important to be well put together when working in this industry – especially when it comes to punctualit­y because it’s a good discipline to have.

People around you, particular­ly clients, will greatly appreciate this. And be kind and stay humble, no matter what and wherever life takes you.

Q: Most embarrassi­ng moment so far… A:

I don’t think anything too embarrassi­ng has happened to me recently. Even if something awkward does happen, I tend to laugh about it and move on!

Q: Your purpose in life… A:

I believe my purpose in life is to help people and motivate them to be the change they want to see in the world.

In this belief, I hope to inspire more youth into volunteeri­sm, and help them build confidence and start their own charitable organisati­ons someday.

In the meantime, I’m presently reading for my degree and eventually want to use the knowledge I gain to help people.

Q: Best advice received… A:

Always stay humble and grounded, and be kind... no matter what!

This is something my mother used to tell me all the time when I was growing up. I never realised the importance of this piece of golden advice until much later. So listen to your elders, folks!

Q: Yourself in the next 10-20 years… A:

Probably owning an animal sanctuary somewhere or perhaps working at the foreign ministry! I’d also love to have completed my PhD by then. Fingers crossed!

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