Living (Sri Lanka)



Q: If you were to launch a seasonal ‘Raffealla Fernando Christmas Calendar’ (RFCC), who would be featured in it?

A: I would love to launch a seasonal Christmas calendar to keep the festive spirit alive. There would be a few Catholic celebritie­s because they will relate to the Christmas feeling.

Other than them, there will be fun, happy and cheerful celebritie­s for sure. To name a few, Jacqueline Fernandez, Dinakshie and Shanudrie Priyasad, Raini Goonatilla­ke, Umaria Sinhawansa, Sangeetha Weeraratne, Sachini Ayendra, Bathiya and Santhush, Chaminda Vaas, Roshan Ranawana and Nathasha Perera.

There are so many but I’ve only named a few celebritie­s.

Q: Your favourite Christmas photograph from your personal collection is…

A: I did a photoshoot with Shanudrie Priyasad and we called it ‘Oh! Christmas tree.’ Her dress was designed to look like a Christmas tree and we decorated it with seasonal decor. The shoot was loved by everyone – including myself!

Q: What is your best advice to stay calm in the festive season?

A: I’m usually a calm and unstressed person – so it makes no difference to me because I remain the same. I meditate for an hour every day and truly believe that a calm mind helps you lead a happy life.

Of course, my advice is not about meditating because that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Being organised, making a checklist and listening to music while prepping for Christmas will help you feel lighter and less stressed.

Q: And what Christmas miracle would you most like to see come true?

A: World peace, and all our hearts being filled with love and compassion. With all that we’re seeing and hearing, I can’t think of anything else to wish for.

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