Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Russia sets stage for Putin presidency


MOSCOW, March 3 (AFP) - Russia prepared today to return strongman Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin for a record third term amid a tide of protests unseen since the Soviet era and mounting tensions with the West.

The 59-year-old EX-KGB spy's victory in Sunday's presidenti­al ballot at this stage seems beyond doubt.

Forecasts by state pollsters show him storming to a first-round win with 60 percent of the vote and his Communist rival Gennady Zyuganov – a dour but seasoned lawmaker who is running for the fourth time — in second place with 15 percent. The tycoon Mikhail Prokhorov and the flamboyant but ultimately pro-kremlin populist Vladimir Zhirinovsk­y are expected to battle for third place.

But Putin's landslide victory may only mask an era of political uncertaint­y that contrasts sharply with the current prime minister's commanding first two terms as president between 2000 and 2008. The emotional street protests that erupted in response to a fraud-tainted December parliament­ary ballot have since swelled into a broader opposition movement whose reliance on social media echoes the Arab Spring revolts.

Putin himself has put a brave face on the sudden show of public displeasur­e by telling Western media executives he was “very happy about this situation.””i think this is a very good experience for Russia,” he said this week. Putin has never before ruled from anything less than an impregnabl­e position of power and few dare to predict how he might respond now.

“The system needs comprehens­ive political and economic reform. But (Putin) has neither the financial nor the political capital to accomplish this,” said Mark Urnov of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

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