Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Charity Fashion Show at OSC


The threatenin­g disease of cancer has become a principal concern in our world today. All around the globe, countries are stepping forward and uniting together, in order to find a cure to battle this illness. Students at The Overseas School of Colombo ( OSC) in Sri Lanka, are also standing up against cancer by having hope that one day, we will find a cure.

Hope for Kids is a student incorporat­ed service organizati­on that was establishe­d to interact with children who are unfortunat­ely affected by cancer. Students from The Overseas School of Colombo visit the Maharagama Cancer Hospital a few times every month to interact with the kids. They situate themselves in the Play House, that was funded by OSC and organize arts and crafts, music, storytelli­ng, drama and other fun activities for the children.

These visits to the Play House are looked forward to by the little patients and bring smiles to their often sad and confused faces. The students meet on a weekly basis and plan out events for upcoming visits to the hospital and for other fund raising/awareness events. Funds are raised through various activities and events in order to buy Christmas presents for the kids, help with medical needs or to provide the children with any other basic needs.

This year, the service group presented a fashion show, “Charity Chic,” where all the proceeds are going to be donated to the Maharagama Cancer Hospital. “Charity Chic” was held on 11th February 2012 at the OSC auditorium, and proved to be a glamorous night of charity and fashion. The event featured the likes of D a r s h i Ke e r t h i s e n a , Arugam Bay, Academy of Design, Melachedes­igns and designs of the OSC students; adding up together to present an entertaini­ng and amusing show. To add to this lively proceeding, dance and singing interludes were included by NATANDA dance group, El

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