Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

China leader indicates no major reform imminent


BEIJING (AFP) - China's outgoing leader has acknowledg­ed the ills that plague the Communist Party but insisted it can cure itself, indicating no radical surgery to either the economy or politics by his successor.

In likely his final political testament given Thursday at China's ongoing Communist Party Congress, outgoing President Hu Jintao delivered a stark warning to his successor Vice President Xi Jinping on the rampant corruption infecting the ruling party.

"If we fail to handle this issue well, it could prove fatal to the party and even cause the collapse of the party and the fall of the state," Hu told more than 2,200 delegates inside Beijing's cavernous Great Hall of the People.

But his report to the party at its most important political event in five years put forward little in the way of a road map for reform, which analysts said indicated a dangerous paralysis in the Chinese communist system that could have dire consequenc­es.

"The party has become increasing­ly corrupt, the extent of corruption, graft and money grabbing has totally stained the image of the party," Sun Wenguang, a retired academic from east China's Shandong University, told AFP.

Hu is viewed by reformers as having missed a prime opportunit­y to push through reform of the political and economic systems during his ten years in power, a time when China enjoyed the advantage of high economic growth rates that could have eased such a transition.

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