Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

With a love for beauty, wisdom, humour and humility, he strode this earth

- Xenelphon

My credential­s for writing this tribute is that Lakshman and I have two strong threads running through the fabric of our lives.

The first is that we were Colombo university mates who took up as our discipline the study of the western classics (in basic English-Latin and Greek).

The second is that we both worked for many years commencing in the 1950s in the Department of Inland Revenue. There were invaluable lessons learnt by Lakshman from both sectors. From the first he cultivated the virtue of humanism which has long been recognised as an integral part of the western classics-the litterae humaniores the studies that mellow nature. One of Lakshman’s favourite quotes is to be found in a work of the Roman playwright of the golden age of Roman literature. The playwright is Terence and this is what he wrote: “I am a man and nothing human is alien to me”. And from the Greek, Lakshman was quite taken up by the label placed on fellow Athenian citizens of his time, by their eminent statesman, Pericles, as reported by the historian, Thucydides. “We are ‘lovers of beauty and lovers of wisdom.”

Taking a cue from the first part of that label, lovers of beauty, Lakshman sought and won the hand of Nalini. In search of wis- dom he found it in his deep study of the Christian religion which earned him a Baccalaure­ate in Divinity (London) and a doctorate in Philosophy (cal).

Working in Inland Revenue provided Laksman a platform to hone his sense of humour whch he had to a remarkable degree. Here are two examples I can think of— when asked where he worked he would reply ‘at the IRS’ , ‘in America?’ ‘No here in Sri Lanka where IRS stands for “Income Removal Service”.’

Lakshman dealt with his taxpayers in a ‘mercy, mild’ manner. He never resorted to placing a crown of thorns on a taxpayer’s brow-never went beyond a mild admonishme­nt —“treat an income tax return like a lady’s corset. If you put a wrong figure into it you are sure to get pinched somewhere,” said Lakshman with his trademark broad smile.

While on the subject of tax, it must be declared that Lakshman was widely regarded as the double tax expert who sat invariably on all double tax agreement panels with the foreign counterpar­ts so much so that his reputation reached the UK Commonweal­th Secretaria­t which showed no hesitation in selecting him to advise the Government of Botswana.

Religion played a major role in his life. In fact it was a wonder that he did not take to holy orders. When I think of his attributes I recall the words of Debbie Reynolds in the Singing Nun extolling St Dominique-”He was a soldier of the Lord, his armour was his devotion and the gospel was his sword”. So was it with Lakshman.

Humility was another of his credits. It was the crown which made him a king.He never advertised the fact that he was named in a publicatio­n by the Internatio­nal Bibliograp­hical Council in Cambridge, UK as one of three Sri Lankan intellectu­als of the 21st century. Indeed there are many other credits but why gild refined gold?

This tribute will not be complete without a reference to Nalini—Nalini showed the true spirit of a Christian wife. She looked after Lakshman with such love and tenderness throughout the long period of his illness. Nalini, for your caring 24/7, we the friends of Lakshman offer you our thanks with plentiful hands and say to you ‘cease to grieve. For Lakshman now rests happy and peaceful in the bosom of his Saviour ready to intercede on your behalf and ours and be so ready till ‘in the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.’


Rajeewa Jayasinghe, who was a lecturer in history at the University of Peradeniya, met with an untimely death at the age of 46. At his funeral, mourners said the country had lost a brilliant scholar.

Rajeewa was one of my closest friends, going back to our days in junior school at Trinity College, Kandy. He was a chubby little guy who came from Mawilmada, Kandy. His home is one of the loveliest country-type houses in the district.

My father would drive his Morris Minor to school from Uyanwatte Training College, where my mother was the Principal. I used to love visiting Rajeewa’s home and garden in front of the Mawilmada public grounds. Hats off to whoever maintains the garden and the house. Even now, it is impeccable.

Rajeewa and I were in the same Trinity College house – Carter Blues. We both played cricket and we were both lefthand batsmen. Rajeewa was the opening batsman with Gehan Rajapakse. We called Rajeewa “Thadi Jayasinghe” because of his size.

When we were in the upper school, in Grade 8, we started a music band with instrument­s made out of wood, and we performed and sang when there were no classes. Rajeewa was the vocalist, belting out popular ’80s English songs. Rajeewa and I had many friendly “fights” those days, he calling me “Kaluwa” and me calling him

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