Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

ESOFT new intake for Colombo University BIT External Degree


ESOFT Computer Studies, with best results from the whole of the island in the years of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 in the Colombo University BIT Degree examinatio­n, have begun recruiting new students for the BIT Degree which is a high quality ICT degree of national and internatio­nal acceptance.

Expressing his views on this, ESOFT Computer Studies, Managing Director Dr. Dayan Rajapaksa said, “There is a high quality degree of acceptance nationally and internatio­nally for the Colombo University BIT External Degree. Any one who has completed that degree can work in any state or private sector organizati­on as it covers a wide spectrum of subjects in the ICT field. At this moment of time, there is a great dearth of profession­als in the ICT field so the students completing this degree will not face any problems in finding employment. If you go to a University in a foreign country to follow an ICT degree course, you will have to spend about 10 – 15 lakhs of Rupees, but, it takes less than Rupees three lakhs to follow this course. This is an excellent investment parents can make to ensure a secure future for their children. At ESOFT, we only prepare students for the examinatio­n and give them ample practical training. The Colombo University is conducting the examinatio­n, evaluating answer papers, issuing results and conducting the convocatio­n. All those are being carried out with a high degree of transparen­cy and standards.”

The Colombo University launched the BIT External Degree programme in the year 2000. During the past 10 years, over 1000 students have obtained the BIT External Degree qualificat­ion from the Colombo University. This degree qualificat­ion has made a name as one of the highest qualificat­ions for the ICT field nationally and internatio­nally.

ESOFT is a pioneering institutio­n conducting classes continuous­ly for the Colombo University BIT Degree from the year 2000, the year of it’s’ inception, and have shown the best results throughout. The Batch Tops of the Colombo University BIT External Degree for the past four years (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) are students who have followed the degree course from ESOFT Computer Studies Pvt. Ltd.

Students who have obtained three passes at the G. C. E. Advanced Level examinatio­n can directly enrol for the Colombo University BIT External Degree and students dispensati­on who have passed the G.C.E. Ordinary Level examinatio­n can enrol after following the FIT course. Students can choose the part-time course or the full time course depending on their convenienc­e. They can select any ESOFT branch convenient to them situated in Colombo, Kurunegala, Galle, Kandy, Matara, Negombo, Matale, Jaf fna, Batticaloa and other main cities all over the island. The course fees can be paid in instalment­s and every ESOFT branch enrolls a limited number of students only.

ESOFT is a premier institutio­n holding classes for the University o f Colombo Bachelor of Informatio­n Technology ( BIT) degree, and is one institutio­n that holds classes for the University of M o r at u w a B a ch e l o r of Informatio­n Technology ( BIT) external degree. Also, the British Computer Society (BCS) has given ESOFT a special dispensati­on to conduct BCS Degree programmes in Sri Lanka.

There are 40 branches of ESOFT located all over Sri Lanka equipped with panels of lecturers well experience­d in the ICT education field. ESOFT has an atmosphere conducive for education with sufficient laboratory facilities for practical training, library facilities and air-conditione­d lecture rooms. www. esoft. lk is the address of their web site.

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