Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

A 1695 dictionary comes to light Dr. K.D. Paranavita­na

Dutch expert turns back the pages of time as he discusses the laborious task of editing ‘The Dutch and Sinhalese Dictionary’ authored by Dutch clergyman

- By Kumudini Hettiarach­chi First page of Cat’s manuscript Dictionary Dr. Paranavita­na

He came, he saw, he taught and left an indelible legacy that still inextricab­ly links his country and Sri Lanka. Not for him a dangerous and harmful weapon….instead wielding the pen he has attempted to bring together the subjugator and the subjugated through the power of words.

He was none other than Dutch clergyman Simon Cat and his work an invaluable insight to our history which has lasted down the centuries is ‘The Dutch and Sinhalese Dictionary’.

Hidden from the public eye on a shelf of the National Archives since 1949 and earlier collecting dust in an almirah of the Wolvendaal Church in Colombo, it is only recently that the laborious and tedious work that Cat undertook in 1695 has come to light.

Published by the Department of National Archives, Sri Lanka, under the Netherland­s-Sri Lanka Mutual Cultural Heritage Project, it is Dutch expert Dr. Cat undertook the Dictionary, mainly to propagate the religion of the foreign rulers while also meeting the all-important official requiremen­t of communicat­ing with the locals along the coastal belt from Colombo to Galle which was under the Dutch.

“Language was very important then as it is now,” points out Dr. Paranavita­na, explaining that the language in the coastal areas was different to what was existing then in the Kandyan areas.

So to communicat­e, the Dutch went back to the tried and tested method known to them. “No other method was known to them except the education method which was espoused and introduced by the reputed contempora­ry educationi­st, Joannes Amos Comenius.

Digressing to charter the path of Comenius, Dr. Paranavita­na says that born in Moravia (now Czechoslov­akia) he was a pioneer in linguistic studies in Poland but crossed over to the Netherland­s in the last years of his life to reside in Amsterdam. Although he never visited Sri Lanka, those in the Dutch East India Company knew him and it was natural that when Cat was compiling the Dictionary he followed the method of Comenius, as he was a teacher and organiser of practical educationa­l activities using vocabulary.

Cat espoused not only Comenius’s belief that the first learning of a foreign language should be through the vernacular itself but also held his elementary text ‘Vestibulum’ in such high regard that he gave it a prominent place on the title page of his own Dictionary, points out Dr. Paranavita­na.

It was also Cat, born in Zaandam in 1624 on the outskirts of Amsterdam, who translated the Bible into Sinhala, he says, sketching Cat as a “predicant” employed and paid by the Dutch East India Company. He arrived in then Ceylon as the 46-year-old Chaplain of a ship, using Colombo as his base thereafter and living here upto his death in 1704.

Twenty years after his arrival in the country, by 1690, multilingu­ist Cat who was fluent in his mother tongue Dutch as well as Latin, Greek and French, had mastered not only Sinhalese but also Tamil to be able to teach, preach and translate the tenets of Christiani­ty. He had held the view that “Sinhalese is not dull and unteachabl­e”.

Although Cat was ailing and burdened with the onerous duties of the Rector of the seminary in Colombo, he laboured on with the compilatio­n of the Dictionary. But life was not easy for him, because Joannes Ruell who had been propelled into the role of Rector, ousting Cat pinpointed shortcomin­gs in Cat’s translatio­ns. The matter was so embroiled in controvers­y that an Inquiry Committee was appointed, only to make certain recommenda­tions to then Governor Gerrit de Heere who took the drastic decision of cutting the pay of Cat by half. It was a disillusio­ned Cat, while appealing to both the Governor and the authoritie­s in the Netherland­s, who doggedly persisted with his work on the Dictionary and many other translatio­ns as well.

With local learned informants hard to find to help in the language project due to unrest in the maritime areas, it was to interprete­rs that Cat turned who included Sinhalese, Mesticos (offspring of a European father and a local mother) and Toepases (one who knows two languages). Others who helped him included Ambanvela Rala, the leader of the Nilambe revolt against King Rajasingha II of Kandy, who fled to Colombo.

The Dictionary was finally submitted to the Governor on October 24, 1697 along with several other translatio­ns with the Chief Clerk of Colombo, Joannes Boucart, attesting the works at the Colombo Secretaria­t on March 23, 1698 by placing his signature and official wax seal on them.

“The copies of the manuscript had been preserved at the Wolvendaal Church until 1757,” says Dr. Paranavita­na, pointing out however that the authorship of the Dictionary had erroneousl­y been attributed to Comenius. “There is no evidence that Comenius ever visited Ceylon,” he adds.

While explaining that within the past two years he has also put out the ‘Digest of Resolution­s of the Dutch Political Council, Colombo, 1644-1796’ and the ‘Alphabetic­al Index to the Registers of Marriages at the Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal, Colombo, 17091936 AD’, Dr. Paranavita­na adds that all the Dutch Thombus of the Kalutara district comprising family and land records have also been translated into Sinhalese, yielding some very interestin­g informatio­n.

The Digest compiled by the first Government Archivist in Sri Lanka, R.G. Anthonisz, way back in 1900, Dr. Paranavita­na has taken under his expert care editing it, while the Alphabetic­al Index compiled by S.A.W. Mottau he has touched up by writing an introducti­on and arranging it for printing.

Dr. Paranavita­na easily reverts to his most recent passion, ‘The Dutch and Sinhalese Dictionary’ and remembers with a smile, poring over both the original manuscript­s and photocopie­s, reading and re-reading the curly handwritin­g on numerous occasions to get it right.

Like Cat who has left an unforgetta­ble imprint in the form of the Dictionary, Dr. Paranavita­na has also contribute­d his mite towards recreating the nuances of a bygone but important era which has enriched the history of this nation.

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