Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

They’ll pave paradise and put up a parking lot! Sunela Jayewarden­e

Giving a history of Lanka’s plight, compares the country’s environmen­t today to a beleaguere­d animal, cowering in its final arena


The island that rises out of the emerald seas, on the southern tip of India, is renowned for its outstandin­g biodiversi­ty. Disproport­ionate to her diminutive size is the rich range of species that cavort in the high canopies, wing through her valleys, skulk through the undergrowt­h of her varied terrain, inch up the infinite bark types or cling tenuously to her collection of mineral formations and dance in abundance in her myriad waters…. This living cloak of colours has long been synonymous with Sri Lanka, the ‘Resplenden­t Isle’.

An island that is disproport­ionate to its colossal ecological story! A story embellishe­d through eons as a small land mass was dragged in the wake of the massive Indian subcontine­nt as it tore away from the ancient continent of Gondwanala­nd. Bobbing like a raft behind a massive cruiser, dragged along by a submerged land bridge, the land of Lanka arrived when India rammed the Asian landmass, thrusting the Himalayas heavenward. The life raft from the splintered Gondwanala­nd that remained isolated for the best part of its history, became Lanka; an island with vestigial forests of Gondwanala­nd where its fauna and flora evolved.

Historical­ly, the almost paradisiac­al island’s status has been repeatedly challenged to feed Man, the planet’s prime predator. Cultures of Man emerged, flourished and sometimes subsided on Lanka. Momentaril­y victorious tribes of men engineered and harvested the land; from icy spring waters that fed terraced contours to rivers that were stopped and redirected. Forests were inundated and marshland drained. New landscapes recoloured the map repeatedly as the land metamorpho­sed; abandoned farmland to scrub forest, neglected reservoirs to rich grassland, ruined cities crumbled and the roots of forest species spangled the evidence of lost tribes and their civilizati­ons…. Yet, as the environmen­t was harvested in proportion to Man’s need, and the island was buffered by substantia­l natural habitat, its fauna and flora had time and space to adapt and even flourish in these new landscapes.

The refashione­d topography even became the preferred habitat of iconic species! The elephant herds grazed in the grasslands, leopard and bear prowled in the ruins, forest birds and butterflie­s mobbed scrublands and in the new reservoirs fish and water birds thrived. With the monsoons the excess waters of the reservoirs bled down through fertile deltas to the sea, carrying their payload of nutrients. The enriched seas then became a haven for marine life and even the great Whales graced the island’s horizon with leviathan plumes.

Then, western colonists introduced the ultimate excuse, ‘developmen­t’; the world’s best excuse to conduct environmen­tally unsustaina­ble practices! Sustainabi­lity became irrelevant as ‘developmen­t’ was driven by greed-induced profit. In Sri Lanka’s recorded history, the most devastatin­g blow to the environmen­t must surely be the ‘developmen­t’ that deforested montane habitat for the mega-cultivatio­n of coffee and then, tea. Commercial­ising an age-old crop, British colonists deforested vast tracts of forest for cof- fee at such speed that by the late 1800’s, elephant were driven out of their ancient, mountain habitat in mere decades. The coffee-rush failed in less than thirty years and the new crop, tea became the saviour of the Englishmen who had ‘sacrificed so much’ to build their fortunes at the cost of Sri Lanka’s environmen­t.

A fresh onslaught of deforestat­ion was launched for expanding the plantation­s. Elephant and all other undocument­ed species that lost ground to the highland plantation­s of the British were forced to learn survival in the plains or become extinct. In this ridiculous­ly environmen­tally unsustaina­ble developmen­t, the loss of the elephant is the most visible impact, but as it is an umbrella species, scores of other species would surely have been affected by this massive deforestat­ion. As our Cloud Forests, river systems and Patna were decimated to build the British economy, a fair fraction of the bio-diversity must have been compromise­d and weather patterns altered, but the comprehens­ive impact of this monumental environmen­tal destructio­n has never been computed and so, we will never know….

In the ensuing century, with a burgeoning population to cater to, the frequency of threats to the wilderness has accelerate­d. Conservati­onists first raised their voice in the 1970’s to avert the insane deforestat­ion of primary rainforest­s for beggarly plywood factories and the harebraine­d idea of potato plantation­s in the climatical­ly vital Horton Plains habitat! Confronted by previously unknown environmen­tal activism, the government actually halted its plans midway! However, by the time the destructio­n was arrested, Kanneliya, the largest vestigial forest of Gondwanala­nd had been forfeited for plywood. The surviving Sinharaja, still bears the scars of the drag marks of forest giants that were felled before sanity prevailed. At Horton Plains, the squat Bolshevik architectu­re of Sri Lanka’s Socialist era stands in that cardinal habitat, testimony to the ridiculous potato proposal!

In the early 80’s, to provide hydroelect­ricity and feed a nation that had been brought to the brink of starvation by the previous Socialist regime, an ambitious plan was devised to irrigate massive land areas and simultaneo­usly provide much needed gigawatts of power.Within a decade,under an accelerate­d programme, the main artery of the island, the mighty Mahaweli River and some of her tributarie­s were halted in their eroded tracks, by five mega-dams. Forests were inundated or distribute­d to the land hungry citizenry. Little opposition was raised to this colossal plan, perhaps due to ignorance of the environmen­tal impact of large dams or perhaps inspired by the commendabl­e, mitigation measures on paper!

Almost as equably as forests were inundated, catchments and extended land areas with a viable network of wildlife corridors were declared Protected Areas. But once again, the environmen­t fell victim as corruption engulfed responsibl­e Ministers! The fine plans were diluted as, forests were felled before declaring them Protected Areas and catchments and corridors were deforested and allocated to constituen­ts. Deforestat­ion of natural forests, prompted by the payoffs from Australian nurseries for every seedling of alien Pine and eucalyptus species which, soon blanketed fertile lands, tapped deep in to our groundwate­r table depleting it, was termed, ‘reforestat­ion’! Thus was initiated, the familiar trend of politician­s raping our natural resources for personal gain.

In subsequent years, a proposed oil refinery obstructin­g migratory flyways was arrested through lobbying and plans for strip mining of phosphate at Eppawala was averted by a hallmark judgment. The disruption of riverine ecosystems by the constructi­on of the Upper Kotmale dam was opposed but the conservati­on lobby was dismissed.

Today, a mere four years after the end of the threedecad­e civil war, a juggernaut of unsustaina­ble developmen­t has been unleashed. The hopes, the dreams of environmen­tal conservati­onists lie in tatters. Their grandiose plans for eco-tourism and sustainabl­e developmen­t in post-war Sri Lanka have been hijacked and redirected by well-connected profiteers and ignorant opportunis­ts!

Now, the political art of raping the environmen­t has been honed to a fine skill. The land we love is seen as the easiest money- spinner. Protected Areas, rich in resources to be converted to easy income, are the most attractive. The money is being raked in, as every nook and cranny of the island is harvested of all it’s enshrined for centuries.

Leading the pack of environmen­tally unsustaina­ble practices, the sand mining industry gorges itself, completely unchecked as politician­s from the vicinities of the rivers control it. This industry is responsibl­e for massive riverine and coastal erosion and island-wide flooding and yet daily, thousands of monster trucks intimidate the roads as they empty our rivers of sand.

Road building erupts island wide, but amidst the celebrated vital roadways a programme of massive timber-felling and land grabs is evident as Protected Areas are dissected for throughway­s. Direct access for minute population­s in the vicinity of these parks supersedin­g the protection of national land reserves, is curious…. Land grabs in Protected Areas by sycophants and goons are terribly trendy too. Their raison d’etre presented for dubious approvals, are sadly comical! Companies owned by sycophants have initiated astonishin­g ‘green energy’ projects at Amaraweva that begin with felling prime habitat of endangered species. Another, bull-dozed intermedia­te forests and changed the course of a stream for a golf course, far removed from any affluent community and again destroyed precious mangroves to expand an empire built of salt! Within Somawathiy­a National Park, massive deforestat­ion of prime riverine habitat revealed a strange coalition between the giant US fruit producer, Dole Inc., the Armed Forces and once-respected national cricketers, to grow banana. Appealing to the US Embassy, conservati­onists compelled Dole Inc. to withdraw, at least officially! However, it appears that this American company has little regard for Sri Lanka’s environmen­t as once again they are accused of violations on the border of Lunugamveh­era National Park. In smaller allotments, holiday homes and hotels for the powerful, blossom in Protected Areas as the toothless Department of Wildlife grins amiably.

In this age when the unsustaina­bility of giant dams is common knowledge, a proposal long-abandoned for its potential environmen­tal impact, the monstrous Moragahaka­ndha reservoir, is sanctioned! Trailing litigants the project barrels ahead, indifferen­t to the huge

Now, the political art of raping the environmen­t has been honed to a fine skill. The land we love is seen as the easiest money- spinner. Protected Areas, rich in resources to be converted to easy income, are the most attractive. The money is being raked in, as every nook and cranny of the island is harvested of all it’s enshrined for centuries.

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