Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

UPFA Nomination Board yet to decide on Sarath Kumara


The UPFA Nomination Board is yet to decide whether former member of the North Western Provincial Council (NWPC) Ananda Sarath Kumara who gained notoriety for getting a school teacher to kneel for punishing his daughter, would be given nomination­s to contest the upcoming PC elections.

However, ahead of the Nomination Board decision, the ex-provincial councillor claimed that he is confident of getting nomination­s from the UPFA, to contest from the Puttalam district.

“I have been a longstandi­ng member of the SLFP, and have been in active politics for 25 years. I have applied for nomination­s and am confident of getting it. I strongly believe the Party will accept my nomination. I have a clean record in my political career, and have served the Party well,” Sarath Kumara told the Sunday Times.

Mr. Kumara told his colleagues this week that he had met President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Minister Basil Rajapaksa and explained the incident, and was confident of getting nomination­s.

However, Mass Media and Informatio­n Minister Keheliya Rambukwell­a said that the decision on who gets nomination­s to contest the PC polls will be decided by the Party’s Nomination­s Board.

Western Province Chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunga who is on the NWP Nomination Board told the Sunday Times that the Party would have to take a decision on the matter.“We have not been informed by the Party of any decision to not grant nomination­s. Usually, only persons found guilty by a court are not given nomination­s,” he said.

However, in this case, we will have to wait for a decision from the Party.

Sarath Kumara was remanded by the Puttalam Magistrate in late June, for allegedly punishing a school teacher, and is now on bail pending investigat­ions.

He is accused of punishing a female teacher of the Navagatteg­ama Navodya School by making her kneel, after she had had pulled up the politician’s daughter over the length of her school uniform.

The teacher had later lodged a complaint with the police over the incident, and subsequent­ly, sought a transfer to another school, as she was harassed after the incident became public.

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Yatiyantot­a Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman U.D. Wasantha Kumara was arrested for accepting a bribe of Rs 15,000 from a poultry farmer to issue a licence.

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